Error Message at Start up of Windows



Hello All,

This problem doesn't happen all the time, it will happen occasionally, their
are times were i will turn on my computer and i will get a message that
windows cannot start because a file is missing, C:/windows/... dont remember
the exact message but i will write in down next time, now if I press the F8
key and go to the options and select Load Last Know Good Configuration
Settings, that will let load up windows... The computer is a Compaq Presario
Previously had Windows 98 but did an entire system upgrade (Hard Drive,
CD-ROM, Memory,) the setup completed succesfully without any errors. but this
issue started recently.

Here's the second thing, the first time it happend by selecting F8 and
selecting the load last known... it worked but the third time i got that
message the computer completely crashed and I had to repair windows xp.
luckly all my files were still their but it has already happend two times. I
dont want to have to go through this issue again. what could be the cause to
this problem.

It's windows XP Professional Service Pack 2, Norton Anti-Virus/Internet
Security Installed, Microsoft Anti-Spyware Beta Version, Earthlink Dial Up

It has a 80GB hard Drive, 256 MB of RAM. Any Solutions. Please let me know,

Oscar Fuentes-Guzman

Oscar Fuentes-Guzman
Silver Spring, MD
(e-mail address removed)

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