Epson dx7400F now dead

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Apr 20, 2011
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Hi all,

I've got an Epson Dx7400F printer/scanner/copier. I've had it for 3 years with no problems and it's been a great device. Until two days ago.

While it was switched on (but idle, not doing anything at all), I accidentally turned it off at the wall socket without using the power switch on the printer first. I left it as I didn't need it. Two hours later I turned it back on (switched the socket on first, then printer) but the printer was dead.

I changed the fuse in the plug but that wasn't it. I used a spare power lead that I know works but that isn't the answer either. The original Epson power lead works perfectly in another device so I think I've ruled out power cable/socket/fuse problems.

My question is this: could turning it off at the socket have somehow damaged the printer? I'm an engineer but have little knowledge of micorelectronics so I'm fishing here. I don't think there were any power surges at the time because my other devices were unaffected.

Any help will be gratefully received!



I'm not weird, I'm a limited edition.
Mar 5, 2002
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I know of many PSUs that have died on powering off, not noticed until trying to turn them back on ... not had any printers do it tho

One of my pet peeves is the sale of 13amp fused plugs, up to 3000 Watts. :rolleyes:

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