Dual monitor support in Win2000 on a laptop



I want to use dual monitor capability in my powerpoint presentation but am
having difficulty. I am running Win2000 on a laptop. I am using Office 2002.

Searching around I have found some documentation indicating that dual
monitor is not supported on laptops running win2000. Is this still true?


Thanks for the info. I read the article your referenced.

My display settings tab does look different. I only see one monitor not
two. The odd thing is that below the monitor image the Display section says:

(Multiple Monitors) on Mobility P. In the article this was a list box with
choices. On my tab it is not a list box. If I click on Advanced I can then
get to a tab called Displays where I see Monitor, Panel, and TV. TV is
disabled since I don't have one hooked up. Both the Monitor and Panel are
enabled and I see some icons that indicate the Panel is the primary and the
Monitor is the secondary display device.

Does any of this make sense? Is my laptop stuck only supporting dual
monitor clone mode?




It does seem that your laptop supports only the clone mode. I seem to recall
that ATI Rage display only supports clone mode and it has the same set of
screens that you are describing. Does yout laptop have ATI Rage display

- Chirag

PowerShow - View multiple shows simultaneously


Yes, my laptop has an ATI Rage diplay card. Looks like I'm stuck.

Thanks for all the help.


I ran into this 3 yrs ago Sony laptop, top range, with Win 2K, specs said
dual monitor, no joy, after lots of searching found a doc at Microsoft
showing that W2K is crippled re dual monitor function, bought WXPPro fixed
problem, MS "assistance" were unaware.

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