There's a few pix in this thread, they're not good quality, I'm going to have to get another lens for my Nikon, the 18-135 just won't focus down far enough to get a close shot that's in focus.
With that disclaimer/excuse out the way, here's how the dual boot installation went.
Win XP loaded onto an 80Gb HDD.
Brief specs:
Aopen MX46 Motherboard
Celeron Sckt 478 1.7Ghz CPU
1 Gb DDR PC3200 RAM
80Gb HDD
2 x 20Gb HDD's
D-Link LAN Card
Creative Audigy 2 Sound card
A Floppy Drive
Nvidia 6800 256Mb AGP Graphics card
Jeantech 350W PSU
Set the machine to boot from CD in Bios, boot from PC Linux OS 2007 CD;
During load of Live system choose keyboard; Time Zone, Network and Internet settings - mine was auto-detected as Ethernet, I just clicked on all the defaults and it connected to the Net straight away.
Play about with the OS if you so wish
Double click on desktop installation Icon, wait for installation to start.
Choose between Normal (IDE/SATA) hard Disk or external (USB) hard Disk.
Choice for formatting:
a) Erase and use entire disk
b) Use Free Space on Windows disk
c) Custom Disk partitioning
I chose Custom, clicked on the partition, shown in this pic as a blue bar:
Set a slider to give half the hard disk to Linux. Clicked on 'auto-allocate' and the proposed setup was shown, thus:
Accepted proposed setup and waited whilst the disk section was formatted and Linux was loaded to it.
It came to a window asking which boot loader you wanted to use. In my experience GRUB is best, that was the default so I left it at that. I also set the time the load menu was displayed on startup from the default 10 seconds to 15 seconds.
Bootloader choice screen:
Then when the system re-booted I was presented with this menu screen:
And that's about it really, both systems load fine