Desktop 'web page'



I have searched Google, but can't find a definitive answer to this question.

I would like to create a page that i can use as a desktop on my PC.
I could then have my own buttons for icons et al.

The only problem i have, is linking the buttons to folders or files on my
Either the link refuses to work in opening a folder (such as My Computer) or
i get an error that the path is invalid.

In addition, if i link to an .exe, i get the default "open or save" dialogue
that normally occurs when downloading from the web.

Aside from using Windowblinds, is there no way for me to customise *exactly*
how i want my desktop to look with my own buttons et al?


I have seen a free script somewhere on the net, that enables you to make the
HTML pages to open folders and programs correctly...

try looking with for it


......Creativity is intelligence having fun !.....;-)

For the ones reading technical replies, I would kindly request them to give
me their feedback with another post (in the same thread of course), so I
will know if my advice helped them or not.

Kenny S

Homer J. Simpson

Something like this?


Sub Folder( sCmd )
Set Shell = CreateObject("WScript.Shell") "explorer.exe /e, " & chr( 34 ) & sCmd & chr( 34 ) )
Set Shell = Nothing
window.event.returnValue = false
End Sub

Sub LaunchEXE( sLink )
Set Shell = CreateObject("WScript.Shell") sLink )
Set Shell = Nothing
window.event.returnValue = false
End Sub

<A HREF="" onclick='Folder("C:\")'>C:\</A><br>
<A HREF="" onclick='Folder("D:\")'>D:\</A><br>
<A HREF="" onclick='LaunchEXE("C:\WINDOWS\NOTEPAD.EXE")'>Notepad</A>

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