Dell to Sell Linux PCs



Gary said:
That has got to be a prime example of a logical fallacy known as
a red herring. We were discussing computer operating systems, not
ancient empires.

Gary VanderMolen

Twenty years, no matter what you're talking about, is fleeting.
Computers are still in their infancy.



Alias, why not just let a point you failed to make die the death it

To belabor it does not serve you well.

You have made some good points in the past - DESIST.

Charlie Wilkes

That has got to be a prime example of a logical fallacy known as a red
herring. We were discussing computer operating systems, not ancient
Well, that's disingenuous. We are discussing not just operating systems,
but Microsoft's global hegemony, which amounts to an empire of sorts.

I think it can be useful to compare the "Windows Empire" with political
empires, as long as one doesn't carry the analogies too far. The common
theme in the demise of empires seems to be that they rely on static
models for key processes, and these models eventually confront new forces
against which they are inadequate.

If you look at the Roman Empire, it relied on a central government that
was insulated from the vast bulk of Roman territory/population and was
answerable only to a mob in the city of Rome itself. That produced the
"bread and circuses" philosophy we have all heard about, and a decay in
governing institutions coincidental with waves of people flooding in from
the north and east.

Now, if you look at Microsoft, it relies on a revenue model that was
phenomenally successful in the 1990s. MS shareholders have gotten used
to extraordinarily high rates of return on invested capital and fully
expect such returns to continue in the future. They want their bread and
circuses! But the economic assumptions of the 1990s are no longer
valid. It costs exponentially more to build a new OS than it did a
decade ago, and the perceived value of the upgrade is much less than it
was, for example, when Win95 replaced Win3x. Also, free alternatives
(various flavors of Linux) have emerged as a reasonable choice for many

So, it is fair to ask, how much longer can the Windows Empire continue to
thrive as it has for the past 20 years? How much longer will consumers,
business and OEMs continue to pay fat licensing fees so that MS
shareholders can have their bread and circuses?



When a point you try to make fails, let it die!
Please don't belabor it.

"Twenty years, no matter what you're talking about, is fleeting."
That statement is ridiculous. Just say nothing - believe me, you'd be
better off.

Otherwise, have a great day!

Lang Murphy

So... if I'm reading this right (and lord knows there's a small chance of
that happening...)

You're saying Novell asked MS to "ask" Dell to sell SuSE? If that's true...
hahaha! Hard to believe any company could coerce MS into endorsing any
flavor of Linux. And... truth is stranger than fiction. Or so some say...



thor said:
When a point you try to make fails, let it die!
Please don't belabor it.

"Twenty years, no matter what you're talking about, is fleeting."
That statement is ridiculous. Just say nothing - believe me, you'd be
better off.

You must be quite young. Twenty years, in the grand scheme of things, is
fleeting. Insulting me won't change that.
Otherwise, have a great day!

I usually do. You too.



Lang said:
So... if I'm reading this right (and lord knows there's a small chance
of that happening...)

You're saying Novell asked MS to "ask" Dell to sell SuSE? If that's
true... hahaha! Hard to believe any company could coerce MS into
endorsing any flavor of Linux. And... truth is stranger than fiction. Or
so some say...


More like they chose Novell so as to not anger Microsoft.


Nina Di Boy

Alias said:
More like they chose Novell so as to not anger Microsoft.


Just remember that under the Novell/MS deal, MS can both license and
support Suse. This means MS makes money off of Suse being sold on more
computers. It doesn't matter who asked who to do what. It's all too
convenient for MS.

Priceless quotes in group:

Most recent idiotic quote added to KICK (Klassic Idiotic Caption Kooks):
"So when I see it, I slam it! Even if it discredits myself, I have no
problem with that. As long as you all go down, that's all that maters."

"Good poets borrow; great poets steal."
- T. S. Eliot


Stephan said:
Not all that true. I got excellent help when I started working with Kubuntu.
Not a single person told me to bugger off.
The UBUNTU forums are THE ONLY place I've ever seen that happen, mainly
because of the moderation early on. Post on a Linux newsgroup and see
what you get.

Stephan Rose

Conor said:
The UBUNTU forums are THE ONLY place I've ever seen that happen, mainly
because of the moderation early on. Post on a Linux newsgroup and see
what you get.

I did post on a linux newsgroups. =) Never been on any Ubuntu Forum.

Stephan Rose
2003 Yamaha R6



In message <[email protected]> Charlie Wilkes
"Something in the balance of power between the world's largest PC vendor
and the crew in Redmond has shifted, and not in Redmond's favor. You can
bet money on that.",129363-c,linux/article.html

About damn time too -- I much prefer Microsoft OS', but since I have all
the licenses I need, I very much do *not* want to pay for another
license just to not use it.

I'd rather just buy a bare machine, but if they want to preinstall
something else I won't use, I'm fine with that as long as I don't pay
for it. As it is, I build my own machines to avoid paying the premium,
so Dell loses by default.

(In my case, I have an Action Pack, which provides me with more then
enough licenses of everything Microsoft for my needs)

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