current title in the footer


Alain R.


i would like to create a nice document under Word 2007. I was thinking
to add in the footer the current title to help reader to know where he is.

basically if i have the following TOC:
1. Introduction
2. Purpose of document
3. Analysis
3.1 Basic Analysis
3.2 detailed Analysis
4. planning

if user's reading Analysis part - detailed, i would like to have in
footer "3.2 Detailed analysis".

i checked the fields possibilities but i did not find something usefull :-(

how can i do that ?

thanks a lot,



Check out "StyleRef" field.
You will need two fields, one for the chapter number and one for the text.
Unfortunately you cannot have the fields looking to two styles, ie your
Heading1 and Heading2. You will have to select one style, I normally pick
Heading1, because if you select Heading2 you can end up with a "3.3" at the
bottom of the start of section 4. Not good :)
I usually find that a Heading1 is good enough indicator to the reader.
Hope this helps

Alain R.

DeanH said:
Check out "StyleRef" field.
You will need two fields, one for the chapter number and one for the text.
Unfortunately you cannot have the fields looking to two styles, ie your
Heading1 and Heading2. You will have to select one style, I normally pick
Heading1, because if you select Heading2 you can end up with a "3.3" at the
bottom of the start of section 4. Not good :)
I usually find that a Heading1 is good enough indicator to the reader.
Hope this helps

it works.
thanks a lot


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