Problems updating Windows Vista 64
It didn't like my graphics card (MSI-NX8400GS) but I found the correct
driver on the MSI web site. I installed it and the monitor doesn't go blank
on me any more.
It has ten updates that it won't install. It tries but fails, leaving a
message that I need to run a special file. I downloaded and installed the
suggested file (twice) and it still will not accept the updates. Any ideas
out there in Never Never Land?
It didn't like my graphics card (MSI-NX8400GS) but I found the correct
driver on the MSI web site. I installed it and the monitor doesn't go blank
on me any more.

It has ten updates that it won't install. It tries but fails, leaving a
message that I need to run a special file. I downloaded and installed the
suggested file (twice) and it still will not accept the updates. Any ideas
out there in Never Never Land?