Disk defragmenter detects that checkdisk is scheduled to run.
Attempt to run chkdsk fails with following four lines of text;
"Checking file systen on C:"
"The type of the file system is NTFS"
"Cannot open volume for direct access"
"Windows has finished checking the disc."
How does one open volume Windows(C for direct access by chkdsk ?
Have invoked defrag and chkdsk in the recent past and they have worked fine.
No usb memory stick or other temporary storage medium has been pre-installed
during boot up.
Command window has been put through its chkdsk c: /f paces and everything
went as expected, but reboot did not allow chkdsk to open volume C:.
Subsequent attempts to run chkdsk fails with the same four lines of text.
The only recent change to WinXP Pro environment was installation of Defender
and Windows Genuine Advantage Validation Tool (and other windows updates).
System restore has been used but reboot did not allow chkdsk to open volume
Attempt to run chkdsk fails with following four lines of text;
"Checking file systen on C:"
"The type of the file system is NTFS"
"Cannot open volume for direct access"
"Windows has finished checking the disc."
How does one open volume Windows(C for direct access by chkdsk ?
Have invoked defrag and chkdsk in the recent past and they have worked fine.
No usb memory stick or other temporary storage medium has been pre-installed
during boot up.
Command window has been put through its chkdsk c: /f paces and everything
went as expected, but reboot did not allow chkdsk to open volume C:.
Subsequent attempts to run chkdsk fails with the same four lines of text.
The only recent change to WinXP Pro environment was installation of Defender
and Windows Genuine Advantage Validation Tool (and other windows updates).
System restore has been used but reboot did not allow chkdsk to open volume