Chart Relative To Worksheet When Copying- Excel 2007



I'm looking for a technique to make charts automatically reference data on
the current worksheet when I copy a worksheet containing a chart. In Excel
2007, the chart references the cells from the original worksheet while Excel
2003 would automatically update the reference. I can manually key in the new
worksheet as the reference but this is tedious.

any suggestions?

Héctor Miguel

hi, Grace !
I'm looking for a technique to make charts automatically reference data on the current worksheet
when I copy a worksheet containing a chart.
In Excel 2007, the chart references the cells from the original worksheet
while Excel 2003 would automatically update the reference.
I can manually key in the new worksheet as the reference but this is tedious.

any suggestions?

I couldn't repro (xl-2007) copying ws w/embedded chart, source data remains referencing to original ws (?)
(copied ws automatically updates the embedded chart source data to it's "new" location/ws)

perhaps with a little help from vba (?) i.e.

With ActiveSheet
.ChartObjects(1).Chart.SetSourceData _
Source:=.Range("a1:b1,a3:b5,a7:b9,a11:b13,a15:b17"), PlotBy:=xlByColumns
End With


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