Changing caption numbering



I am trying to write a report, and in the main body of it i need the figures
to be labelled as such, figure 2.2 or figure, etc, depending on their
locations, but they are all in number form.

In the appendix i need them to be labelled figure A.1, figure B.5 etc.
depending on which appendix they are in.

When i try to put letters in the appendicies, it changes all of the captions
before hand to letters.

Is there a way that i can change the syle without it affecting the ones in
the rest of the document?

Any help would be greatly appreciated.


Stella Rivera

I am having the exact same problem. I read Shauna Kelly's article on how to
"trick" word with the caption. I followed the instructions exactly but when
I tried to delete the "_Apx", Word wouldn't allow me. I couldn't get the
cursor on any of the characters--it kept jumping around to the figure caption
that I typed. Is there anything else I can do to add a caption to a figure
in an appendix? Thank you for any help.
Stella Rivera

Stella Rivera

I realized that I was supposed to delete the "_Apx" not from the caption box
but from the action caption itself once it is inserted under the figure.
However, I had to insert this caption separately into the table of figures
because it wasn't included with the other figures. Is there a way around
having to insert it separately? Thanks.

Stefan Blom

You will have to insert your _Apx captions separately. To Word, these are a
different from Figure captions (because they use a different label).

Stella Rivera

Thank you Stefan. I don't know what I would do without this forum. I can't
tell you how many times I have been able to find answers to problems here.
It is comforting to know that others experience the same problems that I do.

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