Can't dismount volume to run chkdsk


Willie Nelson

I have a corrupt 1.6tb external scsi box (dell) that has a corrupt mft$. I
need to run chkdsk, but it says it can't get control of the H: drive to do
so. I don't want to reboot as a chkdsk on this production server could take
forever. I've tried chkdsk /f and I assume it kinda dismounts the volume,
but it says it still can't control.

I don't want to take down the server to detach the box (and hook it up to
another to run the chkdsk), but I fear that's a last resort.

Any suggestions?

Greg Page

reboot in safe mode so none of your services (anti-virus, Open file agents,
etc.) will be running and therefore have a handle to the disk.

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Willie Nelson

I appreciate the advice, and know that this is the best way to do it, but
I'm actually looking for a solution where I do not need to reboot this
production server..


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