Can't access New External USB HDD to format

  • Thread starter Thread starter Gord H
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Gord H

I just purchased a brand new external Western Digital
160gb HDD in USB connected case. I am running Win XP Pro
SP2 on a Dell P4 2.53ghz, 120 gb HDD 512K ram machine.

Problem: When I plug the new drive into a USB port, I get
the WinXP window "USB Device Not Recognized" containing
text "One of the USB devices attached to this computer
has malfunctioned, and Windows does not recognise it"

The Vendor said to go to MY COMPUTER - MANAGE - DISK
MANAGEMENT, select the new hard disk and format it.

But the new hard disk is not listed under MY COMPUTER -

Q1. Is it even possible to format an brand new
unformatted, un-partitioned hard drive in an external USB
case using WinXP??

Q2. If it is possible, does the error I am getting
indicate the drive is possibly faulty.

Q3. Should the HDD in the external case be set to slave
or master or does it matter?

Many thanks for some help on this.

Gord H
Q1. Is it even possible to format an brand new unformatted, un-partitioned
hard drive in an external USB case using WinXP??

A1. Yes - use disk management

Q2. If it is possible, does the error I am getting indicate the drive is
possibly faulty.

A2. Unlikely.

Q3. Should the HDD in the external case be set to slave or master or does
it matter?
A3. Setting should be as Master

Your problems are described: 'When I plug the new drive into a USB port, I
get the WinXP window "USB Device Not Recognized" containing text "One of the
USB devices attached to this computer has malfunctioned, and Windows does not
recognise it""

Check that the drivers are loded correctly for the USB device.

If you have problems call WD - did they build the case? Or else the
manufacturer of the case.
BAR, thanks for your reply. Based on your comments I did
more tests.

I installed a formatted IBM 40gb with data on it from my
second computer into the USB external case and connected
it to my WinXP machine.

Win XP recognised the USB Storage device, and the drive
appeared in Windows explorer and I could read from and
write to it.

I assume from this that WinXP SP2 has the correct drivers
for an external HDD installed, and that the USB case and
USB link are all working.

The DIFFERENCES with the WD drive were:

1. With the working IBM drive, the green LED on the power
transformer and the green LED on the USB case glowed a
steady green as soon as power was applied to the case.

With the WD drive, the green LED on the power transformer
and BOTH the red and green LEDS on the USB case flashed
rapidly on and off as long as power was applied.

2. With the IBM drive, I could here the drive spin up to
speed and hum quietly.

With the WD drive, there was no audible spin up sound and
the drive emitted a continuous rapid soft clicking sound
(like a HDD makes when it is seeking). This continued as
long as power was applied.

Question. Does any of these behaviours point to a faulty
WD drive in your opinion?

Gord H
try boot to a dos prompt or use a windows 98 boot floppy
It might see it in dos. If you dont have a floppy you
canuse your xp cd and when asked do a repair windows start
up chose your main drive after it runs the setup files (it
wont change your files) it will boot in dos then type in
or press help for a complete list of options, let me know
if it works its been a long time But I belive thats what I
did when I had same prob. I now use partition magic for
everything, even cloning a whole drive or partition to use
as a back up in case of crash but when you copy a drive
like this make sure you hide the drive letter on new copy
so computer does not see two c: drives when you use the
back up drive the first time assign it a drive letter and
map the drive.... Aloha
sounds like the drive is not formatted my other reply has
more detail do it in dos...Aloha
Hi Gord -

Western Digital drives are a little bit different than most with regard to
their jumpers.

You only use the Master or Slave jumper positions with a Western Digital
drive when there are two drives connected to an IDE cable.

Western Digital drives, alone on an IDE cable, require that the jumper be
removed. When a Western Digital drive is alone on an IDE cable you remove
the jumper entirely for Single Drive operation.

This is a leap of faith on my part... but I would assume that when a Western
Digital drive is placed in a USB caddy, you would also remove the jumper
from the drive.

Just a thought.


|I just purchased a brand new external Western Digital
| 160gb HDD in USB connected case. I am running Win XP Pro
| SP2 on a Dell P4 2.53ghz, 120 gb HDD 512K ram machine.
| Problem: When I plug the new drive into a USB port, I get
| the WinXP window "USB Device Not Recognized" containing
| text "One of the USB devices attached to this computer
| has malfunctioned, and Windows does not recognise it"
| The Vendor said to go to MY COMPUTER - MANAGE - DISK
| MANAGEMENT, select the new hard disk and format it.
| But the new hard disk is not listed under MY COMPUTER -
| Q1. Is it even possible to format an brand new
| unformatted, un-partitioned hard drive in an external USB
| case using WinXP??
| Q2. If it is possible, does the error I am getting
| indicate the drive is possibly faulty.
| Q3. Should the HDD in the external case be set to slave
| or master or does it matter?
| Many thanks for some help on this.
| Gord H
Gord I agree with jeff any hard drive when connected to
usb like this is not a master or a slave this is only
neccesary on serries as jeff discribed. when formated it
can also be set as a primary partition or logical
partition but only one drive can be set as active this
will hold the master boot record files which is an index
of all the files on all drives I lost my master boot
record once. and it was a bitch to get back, I found some
software called active uneraser that canread all the files
on all the drives in dos even if windows wont boot it
saved my ass! now you can only boot from a usb hard drive
if you computer can boot from usb and your active
partition shhould be at the first part of your first drive
that you booting tothat is where the master boot record
should be.....ALOHA!
Update on Problem from Gord H

I returned the drive to the vendor and he said it was faulty. He sent me a
duplicate replacement drive (Western Digital 160gb) and when I plugged that
one in, it failed in EXACTLY the SAME way.

The vendor claimed he had formatted the second drive and tested that it
showed up and worked on his WinXP machine. I am doubtful of his claim as my
formatted IBM drive, which I substuted in the USB case, worked fine.

So I returned the second drive. The vendor has now said he wants to send the
drive back to the manufacturer for checking - so I am no futher ahead in
solving the problem.

I have noticed in this forum very many subsequent problems raised with
external USB drives not being recognised and people are noting that Western
Digital drives seem to be having problems after SP2 is installed.

I'll post again when I know more or when the problem is solved.

Gord H (aka CamelToe)