Cannot Read Memory



On start up I get a message telling me that IE cannot read instruction at
0X66006041 memory. It invites me to use Dr Watson to debug but this just
locks the PC and then come up with a message that it has encountered a
problem and needs to shut down. Any suggestions?

Rick \Nutcase\ Rogers


Is this a system startup or are you just starting Internet Explorer?

If the former, can you start in Safe mode? Can you cancel debug and finish
booting normally? Is a dump (.dmp) file created? Is any specific module
named? More details will be crucial to identifying the problem.

If the latter, it's likely a plug-in that is causing the problem. Do not
open Internet Explorer, but rather go to the Control Panel/Internet Options
and on the Programs tab click the button to "manage add-ons". Click on each
non-microsoft one in the list and then disable it (lower left). When you
have gone through all of them, close up and restart the system. Then retry
opening Internet Explorer. If it works, then you can slowly reenable a few
of the plug-ins at a time in order to isolate which is the problem.

Best of Luck,

Rick Rogers, aka "Nutcase" - Microsoft MVP

Associate Expert - WindowsXP Expert Zone

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