Cannot Install SP2 -"Unable to read or write to the database"


Arnie Goetchius

I kept getting the message "Unable to read or write to the database"
followed by "Service Pack 2 installation did not complete". Examination
of the SVCPACK.LOG showed many errors.

My solution was to do a Repair Install back to the original XP followed
by installation of SP2. That worked. No need to install SP1 first since
SP2 is cumulative.


After reading all the things about SP2; I think I will wait until Service
Pack 2a comes out.

Ken Blake

JCO said:
After reading all the things about SP2; I think I will wait

A bad mistake, in my view. "Wait a bit" is good advice for lots
of updates and new software releases, but *not* when it comes to
security patches. But it's your choice.

Service Pack 2a comes out.

It's highly unlikely that there will be an SP2a. Even SP1a wasn't
in any sense a fix to SP1. It was identical to SP1, but with Java
removed, a step that the courts required of Microsoft.


True, I understand SP1a issues.
At any rate, I will at least wait until mid to end of September before I
install it.
That's not waiting to long, but still gives me time to digest the


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