Cannot copy files in use?



Again, this thread is not about why you can't do what the OP set out to do.
It's about the OP having the attitude he has. You want to know the answer,
go find it instead of harassing me. Then YOU can have the satisfaction of
teaching the idiot a good lesson. Make sure to bring along a good, stout
chunk of 4x4 timber. You'll need it for whacking him upside the head every
30 seconds or so.

You think those of us who answer technical questions in these groups have
all those answers at our fingertips? Truth is we're mostly just good at
looking things up, running through diagnostics procedures, etc. Actually
remembering all that stuff is impossible (except for a fabled few.) So, no,
I'm not going to go to all the effort of looking up documentation and trying
explain the whole spiel to the idiot unless he suddenly stops being such an
fool and asks politely. Just a bit ago, he actually seemed like he might do
so. But in the next sentence he proved himself as yet incapable of accepting

I knew that what the idiot wanted to do from his first post, that the WAYhe
set out to do it is a fools errand, and that's all I need to know in order
to tell him so. If/when the idiot acknowledges his past idiocies, can ask
politely, without insisting he knows anything at all about Windows XP, and
if/when I feel like telling him why his method is doomed to failure, I'll
reconsider, but he doesn't thus far merit that effort.

Nor do you.

You claimed that it was technically impossible.
So you should know. You should be able to prove it.

I seriously doubt that you ever did a file copy of an XP system.
Because, as you know, there are better ways of backing up an OS.

As a techie, I know that if I had bothered, it would have been out of
curiousity, and there would have been no point unless I had noted down
the issues. The file copy would take some hours.. And most techies
wouldn't bother at all. I'm sure you didn't, and you shouldn't be
claiming that it is impossible if you can't make the case.
And to say that suggests that it cannot be hacked, which is just
ridiculous. People have hacked far more odd things. (think, win xp on

Why is it that MVPs always see a thread as between them and the OP?
Normally they are not as rude as you, and they try to he helpful. But
the concept there is the same. All that matters with you MVPs is what
the OP wants to do, not what the OP asked.
Everything has to be personalised for the OP, to his requirements.
No generic solutions that might be useful in the archives
In a win xp newsgruop the problem is not so bad.. With networking
newsgroups it's worse (do you work in a big room or a small room? how
much are you willing to spend? e.t..c)

Why care is the OP is an idiot.
The OP stated a problem.. You gave your answer, or non answer.

It may be useful for others, though probably not in this case.

Why are you so concerned with the psychology of the OP?
A thread is not just about the OP. It's about all the people that
could benefit from reading the problem and solution that the OP
Avenues can be explored. And if the OP doesn't follow something, he
can ask. The thread needn't be lowered to the OP's level. But any
technical solution can be broken down to a level he can udnerstand, at
his prompting. Or not if his psychology doesn't allow it.

Reality is you don't have a solution for him. And yes, he is ignorant
too, but you try to use that as a cover for your ignorance. You said
yourself that you don't know the answer off hand.
And you're good at looking things up.
And I can tell you that you won't find the answer in a reference
You would know if you had tried it yourself. But you clearly didn't.

Gary S. Terhune

You bore me to tears. I've explained myself to YOU as much as I'm ever going
to. You say you're a techie, so why don't you go find the answer for the OP
if you think he deserves it. I don't think he deserves it, end of

Gary S. Terhune
MS-MVP Shell/User

Again, this thread is not about why you can't do what the OP set out to
It's about the OP having the attitude he has. You want to know the answer,
go find it instead of harassing me. Then YOU can have the satisfaction of
teaching the idiot a good lesson. Make sure to bring along a good, stout
chunk of 4x4 timber. You'll need it for whacking him upside the head every
30 seconds or so.

You think those of us who answer technical questions in these groups have
all those answers at our fingertips? Truth is we're mostly just good at
looking things up, running through diagnostics procedures, etc. Actually
remembering all that stuff is impossible (except for a fabled few.) So,
I'm not going to go to all the effort of looking up documentation and
explain the whole spiel to the idiot unless he suddenly stops being such
fool and asks politely. Just a bit ago, he actually seemed like he might
so. But in the next sentence he proved himself as yet incapable of

I knew that what the idiot wanted to do from his first post, that the WAY
set out to do it is a fools errand, and that's all I need to know in order
to tell him so. If/when the idiot acknowledges his past idiocies, can ask
politely, without insisting he knows anything at all about Windows XP, and
if/when I feel like telling him why his method is doomed to failure, I'll
reconsider, but he doesn't thus far merit that effort.

Nor do you.

You claimed that it was technically impossible.
So you should know. You should be able to prove it.

I seriously doubt that you ever did a file copy of an XP system.
Because, as you know, there are better ways of backing up an OS.

As a techie, I know that if I had bothered, it would have been out of
curiousity, and there would have been no point unless I had noted down
the issues. The file copy would take some hours.. And most techies
wouldn't bother at all. I'm sure you didn't, and you shouldn't be
claiming that it is impossible if you can't make the case.
And to say that suggests that it cannot be hacked, which is just
ridiculous. People have hacked far more odd things. (think, win xp on

Why is it that MVPs always see a thread as between them and the OP?
Normally they are not as rude as you, and they try to he helpful. But
the concept there is the same. All that matters with you MVPs is what
the OP wants to do, not what the OP asked.
Everything has to be personalised for the OP, to his requirements.
No generic solutions that might be useful in the archives
In a win xp newsgruop the problem is not so bad.. With networking
newsgroups it's worse (do you work in a big room or a small room? how
much are you willing to spend? e.t..c)

Why care is the OP is an idiot.
The OP stated a problem.. You gave your answer, or non answer.

It may be useful for others, though probably not in this case.

Why are you so concerned with the psychology of the OP?
A thread is not just about the OP. It's about all the people that
could benefit from reading the problem and solution that the OP
Avenues can be explored. And if the OP doesn't follow something, he
can ask. The thread needn't be lowered to the OP's level. But any
technical solution can be broken down to a level he can udnerstand, at
his prompting. Or not if his psychology doesn't allow it.

Reality is you don't have a solution for him. And yes, he is ignorant
too, but you try to use that as a cover for your ignorance. You said
yourself that you don't know the answer off hand.
And you're good at looking things up.
And I can tell you that you won't find the answer in a reference
You would know if you had tried it yourself. But you clearly didn't.


You bore me to tears. I've explained myself to YOU as much as I'm ever going
to. You say you're a techie, so why don't you go find the answer for the OP
if you think he deserves it. I don't think he deserves it, end of

nobody deserves nuffin!

I am not going to be doing the test just for him.. If I do the test,
it will not be for some weeks or months anyway if at all.

it's not about what he deserves.

It's not just about You and the OP.
or us and the OP.

It never is, and it shouldn't be. It's about the technical community
and the technical community. First and foremost.

Gary S. Terhune

Have you bothered to Google the issue? There are several hints and at least
one darned decent explanation in just these articles.

Here's one I like:

Gary S. Terhune
MS-MVP Shell/User

You bore me to tears. I've explained myself to YOU as much as I'm ever
to. You say you're a techie, so why don't you go find the answer for the
if you think he deserves it. I don't think he deserves it, end of

nobody deserves nuffin!

I am not going to be doing the test just for him.. If I do the test,
it will not be for some weeks or months anyway if at all.

it's not about what he deserves.

It's not just about You and the OP.
or us and the OP.

It never is, and it shouldn't be. It's about the technical community
and the technical community. First and foremost.

Gary S. Terhune

Whatever that nonsense means.

You still haven't figured it out yet, figured it out yet? And James was so
sure that what you wanted was the answer to why what you started out to do
won't work. I knew better, because if you wanted the answer, it would take
you about , well, I'll be generous and give you an hour. I finally decided
to Google it, just to see how easy it was to find the answer. Took five
minutes of reading to find a couple of decent explanations.

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