Cannot copy files in use?



The term "full system backup" is used lots, but you're right, I was only
concerned with the
%systemdrive% partition. And it was made clear, very early on, that the
whole reason he started this thread is that he was trying to COPY files to
another location in order to "clone (sic)" his system partition. It's when
he insisted that he could do it in Win98 so he should be able to do it in
XP, and refused to believe that it wouldn't work when told so, that he
earned the title "Idiot".

I have no patience for idiots. That simple. I'd prefer he COPY his files to
another partition, wipe the existing one, and then try restoring the system.
Learn the hard way. Or maybe never be able to get back online ever again.
That would be good for the world as a whole. Such WILLFULL idiocy deserves
nothing less than a total yanking of computer privileges.

The point of this thread isn't how to successfully back up XP, it's about a
stubborn idiot who obviously knows nothing about Windows XP and yet refuses
to believe those who know what they are talking about, which group obviously
includes you. Who whines about how he refuses to pay twenty pounds for a
solution that will actually work and get him back his system when it falls
on its face. Who insists (STILL!!) that there's no difference between Win9x
and WinXP. To me, that's just more idiocy. If the data/system is worth
backing up, if having it disappear on him would constitute a disaster, then
quibbling over a few pounds is just another form of idiocy.

No, when a poster starts out by insisting he already knows all the answers,
he deserves nothing but derision. He certainly does NOT deserve any real

Pointless though giving him endless derision and not technical

He is -effectively- asking the question, of why a file backup/copy
won't work.

Do you have a technical answer for him?

I suspect that it can be done, but people don't do it because
cloning or reinstalling works. And file backup has issues that they
don't want to know about.

Here are a few
-files in use / some files that won't copy for that kind of reason,
but that has been discussed.
-attributes (though familiariy with xcopy and xxcopy would deal with
that, I guess something like xcopy C:\ G:\ /K /H )
-I suppose that NTFS might store other information about files such as
permissions of users to access them. The kind of thing one might get
a small view of when right clicking a file or folder and going to
properties - one gets a view of these things if SFS is turned off.
xcopy may copy that , I don't know.
One could always convert to FAT32 and do it. Though
a)Win XP , it's recommended , to be run on NTFS not FAT32 (and you may
need some payware like partition magic, to convert it NTFS to FAT32)
b)Say you to convert it to FAT32, do the copy, and then convert to
NTFS. Converting an existing Win XP system from FAT32 to NTFS , has
some security issue or something. (prob not an issue for most people.
I recall converting my system FAT32 to NTFS with the convert command
and not noticing any problem)

- The master boot record.
if that were not right for some reason, one could always boot up the
recovery console and try the 3 (win xp recovery console) muskateers

- explorer can be a pain in the ass. It won't leave you alone for the
copy that takes hours. You can click Yes, and it will prompt you again
to click Yes. You can hold shift and click yes. Then go out and come
back and it will have prompted you again. Most people have not learnt
xcopy, and most nowadays can't even use copy (most that can, knew

People have done far far trickier hacks than file copying an OS (they
have booted windows off USB e.g. a usb flash drive!). Thte only reason
they don't file copy an OS, is because cloning works so well. And
reinstalling works without the mentioned "issues" of a file copy. And
you can have unattended installations.

Another file copy issue, is that unless there is some hack, Win NT
(e.g. Win XP) won't work on a motherboard with a different chipset.
Win 9X (e.g. Win98) Did.

One could always do a win xp repair installation afterwards if there
were problems, and that would smooth things out.

This bazzer character is clearly willing to experiment, and isn't an
"end user" type that is afraid of messing things up. He probably likes
getting into a pickle and picking his way out of it, especially when
others say it can't be done and don't give technical reasons why

I've done some things - as experiments - to better understand how the
machine works.

There are free ways to clone though, so no reason why one would have
to go for a file backup - which turns into a hack.
Some people - many techies - like to be able to do everything - or at
least fundamental operations - with freeware or software built into
windows. Though with imaging and partitions, most use partition magic
and norton/acronis. Freeware cloning software is a new thing and has
yet to gain trust. Still, there are cloning utilities from hard drive
manufacturers - apparently, though I don't know any techies that use
those, I have heard that they work well.

Bill in Co.

That's the same guy who posted that Nero is free, and that registry cleaners
are great, and actually speed up your system.

nuff' said. :)

Gary S. Terhune

You think you can teach the idiot anything, be my guest. Is there a
particular reason you're talking to me instead?

Of *course* there are a multitude of ways to decently backup an XP system,
some better and some worse, some free, some not, etc., ad infinitum. But
idiot came through the gate with his tunes firmly jammed into his brain, and
instead insisted on a method that is doomed to failure. Why help such a
fool? Derision is much more entertaining.


Who's dumber?

Thread title: "Cannot copy files in use?"

My contribution: CopySharp, an absolutely amazing program.

Someone will get this thread when they search for "copy file", or something, and find a
really easy solution.

You reply to my nice community contribution with, "Will NOT accomplish a backup that can
be restored to a new HD."

Very mean and, well, dumb.



You think you can teach the idiot anything, be my guest. Is there a
particular reason you're talking to me instead?

Of *course* there are a multitude of ways to decently backup an XP system,
some better and some worse, some free, some not, etc., ad infinitum. But
idiot came through the gate with his tunes firmly jammed into his brain, and
instead insisted on a method that is doomed to failure. Why help such a
fool? Derision is much more entertaining.

derision may be entertaining for one that has the mind of a 12 year

My point to you, is that you can just answer the question. He wants
file backup, so first and foremost give him a file backup solution, or
don't. Even say you don't know how do do it as a file backup. You
probably never did it or never did it successfully

THEN suggest an alternate solution - in your case, presumably buying

A file backup of the OS does seem possible to me.. I have listed some
issues but they are minor.
Maybe you , who were so sure it would be a waste of time, why you
think it won't and can't work. Or at least, what issues you think
there are, besides the ones I mentioned, which were minor.

I am not suggesting it as a method, I haven't done it myself.. But You
seem to be saying it can't be done. And he's asking why.

This is not just between you and him. It's a thread
a communal discussion . And you don't seem to have anything technical
to contribute.

John John (MVP)

Bazzer said:
Only an idiot woudl deny it.
Same engine, same transmission, same suspendion, same cooling, same
clutch, same brakes, same tyres, same sunroof, need I do on?

No, you have proved beyond the shadow of a doubt that you are an
absolute fool! Same engine? A Lada and a Lamborghini have the same
engine! How stupid can one be!


Bazzer Smith

John John (MVP) said:
No, you have proved beyond the shadow of a doubt that you are an absolute
fool! Same engine? A Lada and a Lamborghini have the same engine! How
stupid can one be!

You are aware, are you not that both are powered by internal combustion

Do forgive me if I am wrong but I don't recall ever hearing of either
model using a different type of engine.
I stand to be corrected, of course.


That's the same guy who posted that Nero is free, and that registry
cleaners are great, and actually speed up your system.

Another liar heard from. Must be from the same intestine.


The term "full system backup" is used lots, but you're right, I was
only concerned with the
%systemdrive% partition. And it was made clear, very early on, that
the whole reason he started this thread is that he was trying to COPY
files to another location in order to "clone (sic)" his system
partition. It's when he insisted that he could do it in Win98 so he
should be able to do it in XP, and refused to believe that it
wouldn't work when told so, that he earned the title "Idiot".

If that's the extent of your interpersonal skills then you should also
learn how to ignore posts that piss you off. It's not like you were
correcting misinformation or even wanting to help the OP in any way; you
just want to bitch and exert your need for control mongering and nothing
more. You've earned the term yourself, in fact.


You think you can teach the idiot anything, be my guest. Is there a
particular reason you're talking to me instead?

Of *course* there are a multitude of ways to decently backup an XP
system, some better and some worse, some free, some not, etc., ad
infinitum. But idiot came through the gate with his tunes firmly
jammed into his brain, and instead insisted on a method that is
doomed to failure. Why help such a fool? Derision is much more

said the fool, not seeing the huge rock descending on him from the sky.
Does your mommy know what you're doing?


Bazzer said:
No, you have proved beyond the shadow of a doubt that you are an
absolute fool! Same engine? A Lada and a Lamborghini have the same
engine! How stupid can one be!


He likes being on the "leading edge" of stupid, that's all.

Bazzer Smith

Gary S. Terhune said:
So go prove it, fool!

As I said initially backing up the stuff is the main thing and I can backup
all the files even though I could not access some in windows (but I have
that out now too).
OK maybe XP has some sort of copy protection on it but anyway
I have ubuntu on the other drive as a backup operating system and
with that and all my data I feel pretty safe.
There is I think free cloning software available should I need it.

Gary S. Terhune

That kind of logic is what brands you as too dirt-stupid and willfully
ignorant to be even using a computer. You're a danger to yourself and others
and should be institutionalized.

Gary S. Terhune

Whoa! Idiot is finally, maybe, willing to accept that what he INSISTED MUST
BE SO is not at all the truth! I'd congratulate you and maybe even back off
and try to teach you something, but...

But then you go and prove what a truly stupendously stupid person you are
with that last sentence. You "think"...? You still don't really know? Just
where DO you get your information, anyway. Just scratch away at your crotch
for a while and then have yourself a sniff, or what?

You've graduated to being a lying sack of sh* t.

Gary S. Terhune

No, just the truth. Copying files using Explorer is a nonsensical method for
backing up a system. Backing up a system is exactly what the OP was looking
to do and that is made obvious by the fact that he wants to copy protected
system files. Why store copies of system files if not in an attempt to
create a usable backup that can be restored to a new partition and function?
ALL of the above was as clear as day is long to anyone with the ability to
read that very first post and the brains to think out what the idiot was
really about.

My, this thread is just PACKED full of idiots, isn't it? Did I deny the
truth of what you said? No, I just brought it into the context of this
mis-titled thread.

Gary S. Terhune

You ADMIT you don't know what you're talking about but want to argue with
me. Get out of my face, you pompous a** hole.

Plenty of people offered decent backup solutions to the idiot. One was in
the very first post in reply. Those aren't what the idiot wants. He wants to
do it HIS way, which, is technically impossible.

And yes, I DO know what I'm talking about, and I've even used plenty of the
workable ones, enough to know that even the best ones can be difficult to
manage properly, depending on the backup strategy involved..

Gary S. Terhune
MS-MVP Shell/User

You think you can teach the idiot anything, be my guest. Is there a
particular reason you're talking to me instead?

Of *course* there are a multitude of ways to decently backup an XP system,
some better and some worse, some free, some not, etc., ad infinitum. But
idiot came through the gate with his tunes firmly jammed into his brain,
instead insisted on a method that is doomed to failure. Why help such a
fool? Derision is much more entertaining.

derision may be entertaining for one that has the mind of a 12 year

My point to you, is that you can just answer the question. He wants
file backup, so first and foremost give him a file backup solution, or
don't. Even say you don't know how do do it as a file backup. You
probably never did it or never did it successfully

THEN suggest an alternate solution - in your case, presumably buying

A file backup of the OS does seem possible to me.. I have listed some
issues but they are minor.
Maybe you , who were so sure it would be a waste of time, why you
think it won't and can't work. Or at least, what issues you think
there are, besides the ones I mentioned, which were minor.

I am not suggesting it as a method, I haven't done it myself.. But You
seem to be saying it can't be done. And he's asking why.

This is not just between you and him. It's a thread
a communal discussion . And you don't seem to have anything technical
to contribute.


I myself mentioned some issues that I could foresee, but I mentioned
some workarounds to them.

Can you give a technical answer to the question of why you say such a
file backup (a file backup of a system, and getting it working) is
technically impossible?

This should be a technical newsgroup.

Gary S. Terhune

Again, this thread is not about why you can't do what the OP set out to do.
It's about the OP having the attitude he has. You want to know the answer,
go find it instead of harassing me. Then YOU can have the satisfaction of
teaching the idiot a good lesson. Make sure to bring along a good, stout
chunk of 4x4 timber. You'll need it for whacking him upside the head every
30 seconds or so.

You think those of us who answer technical questions in these groups have
all those answers at our fingertips? Truth is we're mostly just good at
looking things up, running through diagnostics procedures, etc. Actually
remembering all that stuff is impossible (except for a fabled few.) So, no,
I'm not going to go to all the effort of looking up documentation and trying
explain the whole spiel to the idiot unless he suddenly stops being such an
fool and asks politely. Just a bit ago, he actually seemed like he might do
so. But in the next sentence he proved himself as yet incapable of accepting

I knew that what the idiot wanted to do from his first post, that the WAY he
set out to do it is a fools errand, and that's all I need to know in order
to tell him so. If/when the idiot acknowledges his past idiocies, can ask
politely, without insisting he knows anything at all about Windows XP, and
if/when I feel like telling him why his method is doomed to failure, I'll
reconsider, but he doesn't thus far merit that effort.

Nor do you.

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