Cannot copy files in use?


Bazzer Smith

I tried to do a drag and drop back up but it aborted as it
said some files were being used.
How can I get round this?
Boot up in safe mode?

Bazzer Smith

Well Gary S. Terhune, this idot has just copied across aome files I could
access in windowsXP, so....I am pretty sure I will be able to copy across
*every* windowsXP file. (I will do that later) Whats more this fool thinks
he will
be able to copy them all back as well.

I didn't use the thing in the link I posted earlier either, it was much
easier than that :O)

So that will do for me as a backup.

Yours, The Foolish Idiot.


Even booting in safe mode won't help if you are trying to back up system
files as they will always be in use. You should not back up program files or
the OS using the drag and drop method or even using a copy program like
XCopy as the OS and programs are generally useless (in other words, they
won't reinstall properly) when backed up that way. If you are trying to
back up the system and the programs you should image the drive using a
program like Acronis True Image or the like.

To do a drag and drop backup of data files, you need to make sure that there
is no program using any of the files.


quit trying to cut corners and et a decent backup software program, they are
not that expensive

Bazzer Smith

LVTravel said:
Even booting in safe mode won't help if you are trying to back up system
files as they will always be in use. You should not back up program files
or the OS using the drag and drop method or even using a copy program like
XCopy as the OS and programs are generally useless (in other words, they
won't reinstall properly) when backed up that way. If you are trying to
back up the system and the programs you should image the drive using a
program like Acronis True Image or the like.

To do a drag and drop backup of data files, you need to make sure that
there is no program using any of the files.

Well the operating system will be using some of the files.
I know I could do this in wiindows98 because I used that
method to clone my main drive to my backup drive.
No expensive software required.

Bazzer Smith

They cost about £20.
I won't pay that for a simple thing like copying a drive.
Should the worst come to the worst I will write a program
to do it myself!! (or at least try!!).
Actually "I have cunning plan"!

Gary S. Terhune

Then you're an idiot for upgrading to Windows XP. Windows XP isn't remotely
similar to Win98. Nobody told you?

Bazzer Smith

Gary S. Terhune said:
Then you're an idiot for upgrading to Windows XP. Windows XP isn't
remotely similar to Win98. Nobody told you?

It is remarkable simiilar!!
Anyhow here are some programs you can buy to clone a windows98 drive.

Of course if you don't like dlushing money down the bog you can do it for

Anyhow it is just data on a drive. If XP is not running I don't see how it
stop me copying it.

Anyway I might have a solution here!!

Ubuntu isn't remotely similar to windows. Nobody told you? :O)

Bazzer Smith

Bazzer Smith said:
It is remarkable simiilar!!
Anyhow here are some programs you can buy to clone a windows98 drive.

Of course if you don't like dlushing money down the bog you can do it for

Anyhow it is just data on a drive. If XP is not running I don't see how it
stop me copying it.

Anyway I might have a solution here!!

Ubuntu isn't remotely similar to windows. Nobody told you? :O)

Ha ha I tried to boot into Ubuntu but I have not told it I have
a new graphics card yet!!

John John (MVP)

Gary S. Terhune said:
Windows XP isn't remotely similar to Win98.
Bazzer Smith wrote:

It is remarkable simiilar!!

They may "look" the same but under the hood the two operating systems
are anything but similar! If you insist that they are then you are only
kidding yourself.


Bazzer Smith

It is remarkable simiilar!!
Anyhow here are some programs you can buy to clone a windows98

Of course if you don't like dlushing money down the bog you can do it for

Anyhow it is just data on a drive. If XP is not running I don't see how it
stop me copying it.

Anyway I might have a solution here!!

Ubuntu isn't remotely similar to windows. Nobody told you? :O)

imaging and copying files are a bit different.

there are free ways to image a drive. Free imaging programs.

xxclone might be free

apparently xxcopy has a /clone switch. Which I guess would do an
image rather than a file backup.

apparently hard drive manufacturers often give free programs to image
a drive, see their site.

the payware favourite would be acronis, and with second favourite -
norton ghost


CopySharp 336 KB (GUI)
"CopySharp is a GUI tool for copying open/inprocess/locked files."




HoboCopy 474 KB (CL)
"You pass it a source directory and a destination directory, and it
makes a recursive copy using VSS."




Bazzer Smith

Bazzer Smith said:
imaging and copying files are a bit different.

there are free ways to image a drive. Free imaging programs.

xxclone might be free

apparently xxcopy has a /clone switch. Which I guess would do an
image rather than a file backup.

apparently hard drive manufacturers often give free programs to image
a drive, see their site.

the payware favourite would be acronis, and with second favourite -
norton ghost

Well I will have a look at those.
I don't think I need to close really just to copy every file on the drive.

Gary S. Terhune

Bazzer Smith said:
Well Gary S. Terhune, this idot has just copied across aome files I could
access in windowsXP, so....I am pretty sure I will be able to copy across
*every* windowsXP file. (I will do that later) Whats more this fool thinks
he will
be able to copy them all back as well.

I didn't use the thing in the link I posted earlier either, it was much
easier than that :O)

So that will do for me as a backup.

Good luck resoting it, Idiot.

Gary S. Terhune

Shows what an idiot and a fool you are. Certainly too stupid to program a
backup solution for Windows XP, ROFLMAO!!!

Yes, it's just data on a drive. Thing is, some of the most important data
isn't visible to WinXP and thus can't be Copied, not in Safe mode, not in
any mode

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