Can I reinstall IE 6.2?


Pink Noise

I'd love to reinstall IExplorer, but there does not seem to
be an independent free standing version since I am running
XP-Pro SP2.

Right now the Windows IExplorer 6.2 is very slow. For
instance, it takes about 60 seconds from the time it starts
until the time the screen is ready to accept a browser
address. Similar slowness for any activity, be it browsing
the internet or using the menu bar.

Windows Update, as an example is very slow throughout.

No viruses, no caught spyware or adware stuff.

Network connection(s) OK. I've tired this with and without
firewall and AV. No difference. I tried it safe mode, no
change. I've tried this with DSL and Cable connections.

My other browser, Mozilla 1.7.5 loads quickly as expected,
and internet browsing is essentially instantaneous.
Any ideas?

Frank Saunders, MS-MVP IE/OE

Pink Noise said:
I'd love to reinstall IExplorer, but there does not seem to
be an independent free standing version since I am running
XP-Pro SP2.

Right now the Windows IExplorer 6.2 is very slow. For
instance, it takes about 60 seconds from the time it starts
until the time the screen is ready to accept a browser
address. Similar slowness for any activity, be it browsing
the internet or using the menu bar.

Windows Update, as an example is very slow throughout.

No viruses, no caught spyware or adware stuff.

Network connection(s) OK. I've tired this with and without
firewall and AV. No difference. I tried it safe mode, no
change. I've tried this with DSL and Cable connections.

My other browser, Mozilla 1.7.5 loads quickly as expected,
and internet browsing is essentially instantaneous.
Any ideas?

Uninstall SP2 for WinXP and then see this article:
How to Reinstall or Repair Internet Explorer and Outlook Express in Windows
Make sure your anti-virus is turned off.

Frank Saunders, MS-MVP, IE/OE
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