Can anybody help me?



I recieved an email that told me to delete one of my file
because it was a "virus", needless to say I did and then
I found out that the file jdbgmgr.exe is a system file
that I apperently need. How do I get the file back? My
brother's computer is Win 98, can I copy his file of it
and transfer it to mine or is there somewhere I can
download the file back onto my computer?

Thanks for your time,


Diamond said:
I received an email that told me to delete one of my file
because it was a "virus", needless to say I did and then
I found out that the file jdbgmgr.exe is a system file
that I apperently need. How do I get the file back? My
brother's computer is Win 98, can I copy his file of it
and transfer it to mine or is there somewhere I can
download the file back onto my computer?

It's a debugger that few folks need. Forget it. And before taking action
next time, check out the "hoax" sites listed via an
search. ^_^

Thomas Wendell

If your OS's are the same, then you could copy it from him alright. But
unless you are developing java applets, I don't think there is any use for
that file.

This I copied from:

In this case the target file is JDBGMGR.EXE, a Java Debug Manager program
used by the Microsoft Java runtime engine. This file is included as part of
a standard Windows installation and is not a "virus." (The icon for this
file is a graphic of a bear like the one shown to the left.)

If you deleted this file, don't sweat it - JDBGMGR.EXE is only important to
programmers who use Microsoft Visual J++ 1.1 to develop Java programs. Its
absence will not cause your PC to stop working or interfere with your
applications, so if you're not a Java developer, you don't have to worry
about restoring it. Consider the experience a lesson learned about the
perils of believing and acting upon unverified e-mail warnings.

Reply to group
Most learned here on nntp://
Helsinki, Finland (remove _SPAM)
(translations from FI/SE not always accurate)

Bruce Chambers

Greetings --

If you did delete the file, you really haven't done much damage.
This file is used by Java programmers to find errors in their code.
If you don't do any Java programming, you don't really need the file.

Bruce Chambers

Help us help you:

You can have peace. Or you can have freedom. Don't ever count on
having both at once. -- RAH

Ken Blake

Diamond said:
I recieved an email that told me to delete one of my file
because it was a "virus", needless to say I did and then
I found out that the file jdbgmgr.exe is a system file
that I apperently need. How do I get the file back?

Fortunately, as hoaxes go, the effect of this one is very mild.
Yes, it was a Windows file and no, it shouldn't have been
deleted. But the file is the Java debug manager, needed only by
Java programmers. Since you're obviously not a Java programmer
(if you were, you would have known not to delete it), there's no
real harm been done. You don't need the file, and although it's
easy enough to get back, you don't need to bother.

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