Background Music



I need to put lengthier background music on web - can't use mp3 or can I.
Can't find .ra or .ram files. What's the best way to put this on a page?



Two ways I know to do this. 1. download Windows Media Player 9 and along
with that you will need the front page add in for the player. 2. It's much
easier to Import the mp3 file into the folder list and then add a bgsound tag
into the head of the html document that would look like this: <bgsound
src="yoursong.mp3" loop="-1">

Andrew Murray

bgsound will work for IE not for Netscape.

deacon said:
Two ways I know to do this. 1. download Windows Media Player 9 and along
with that you will need the front page add in for the player. 2. It's much
easier to Import the mp3 file into the folder list and then add a bgsound tag
into the head of the html document that would look like this: <bgsound
src="yoursong.mp3" loop="-1">

Andrew Murray

The best way is not to use background music at all.

This will likely drive people away. If you must have music, give visitors the
choice (a link to click on) to play it or not.

If you want to do it then use <bgsound="path/to/your/file/file.mp3">

I'm sure other group members would point this out as they have often enough


If you use the Windows Media Player 9 or 10 in conjunction with the Front
Page Add in, it will create a player that you can turn on or off. It works
in IE and Netscape but I could not make it work in Mozilla. As Murray said,
sound is not really good on web pages and the download time for a person like
me on dial up is over 5 minutes for a 3mb mp3.

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