Back on the run

Jul 11, 2010
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:lol:I am back on the run after a disasterous attempt to dual boot Linux Mint which ended up me wiping out Windows:cry: I have now reinstalled W7 and WCG so that as of now I am back crunching:lol:. I am still going to dual boot Linux Mint but this time I will pay more attention to what I am doing:confused:. Wish me luck
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Yes, as Mucks says it would be wise to make a backup image first, I believe some hard disk manufacturer's websites offer free copies of re-labelled Acronis True Image, backup software which I use and has saved my bacon a few times.

If I find time I may try and install Win 7 & Mint on a test drive, just to see what's involved but I have to say it's low priority with me atm.

Good luck Boot