Auto-Empty Recycle Bin??



Seems to me, when I was still using XP, there was a setting that
automatically emptied the Recycle Bin when I restarted the computer. I can't
find that option in Vista ... does it still exist? I sure can't find



bilglas said:
Seems to me, when I was still using XP, there was a setting that
automatically emptied the Recycle Bin when I restarted the computer. I
can't find that option in Vista ... does it still exist? I sure can't find

Why would you want to give up "insurance?"


DP said:
Really. Might as well bypass the bin completely and just have delete kill
the files outright.

I could see unscheduled reboots and crashes ending in tears.

Dirty Sanchez

Seems to me, when I was still using XP, there was a setting that
automatically emptied the Recycle Bin when I restarted the computer.
I can't find that option in Vista ... does it still exist? I sure
can't find it.........

Yes, it exists. In keeping with the Microsoft paradigm for new operating
systems, you must make 20 more clicks than you used to in order to get to


Dirty Sanchez said:
Yes, it exists. In keeping with the Microsoft paradigm for new operating
systems, you must make 20 more clicks than you used to in order to get to

What a twat!

Just trying to be smart rather than helping the guy.

Stop being a cretin and tell him what he wants to know.

Dave Cox

Seems to me, when I was still using XP, there was a setting that
automatically emptied the Recycle Bin when I restarted the
computer. I can't find that option in Vista ... does it still
exist? I sure can't find it.........


There wasn't a setting to empty the recycle bin on startup in XP.
There may have been a 3rd party application or reg hack that did that.

Jone Doe

Dave Cox said:
There wasn't a setting to empty the recycle bin on startup in XP.
There may have been a 3rd party application or reg hack that did that.

If you are absolutely SURE you want to, you can bypass the recycle bin with
either individual files, or everything you delete, and Microsoft gives the
instruction how to do so here:

An aside to "Dirty Sanchez" if I may. /begin rant. Since you are anti MS,
this isn't the place for you to be, and your comments are not helpful or
appreciated. Soon all the regulars here will have you on ignore, so it is
wasting your time. /rant over


Actually, two clicks. Right-click on the wastebasket and choose Empty
Recycle Bin from there.


-- 2 clicks. That's good. But it doesn't allow for taking a 2nd look at what
you're deleting.

Wayne L.


Can't you handle the truth from Dirty Sanchez?
You microsoft stooges are very, very soft-skinned.


Mick said:
Can't you handle the truth from Dirty Sanchez?

The truth is Dirt, that you epitomise...

Most people are other people.
Their thoughts are someone else's opinions,
their lives a mimicry,
their passions a quotation.

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