Anyone tried XP SP2 post RC2 build 2162 ??


Josh Einstein

I am simply letting you know that I am not just some guy off the street that
downloaded SP2 and thinks I'm a beta tester. I'm an actual beta tester. And
I signed no NDA. Where's this "evidence" you speak of? You've quoted nothing
that states I am not allowed to discuss SP2 builds.

Your comments are duly noted. But you're not a moderator so don't tell me
what I can and cannot talk about and the MVP's can stop making blanket
statements that imply that you control or moderate the groups.
"How did you guys become MVP's anyway? You're not very helpful."
An insult to others sincerely attempting to help you.

It's not an insult, it's how I see your contribution (or lackthereof) to the
group. If you've nothing left to contribute to the thread, then stop


Woody said:
There's that "we" again. There is no "we" here. Just users looking for
answers. This is certainly not the personal domain of MVP's. Public group,
all opinions are valid.

There ya go. Maybe MVP = = troll here?

A good discussion of folks experiences with 2162 can only HELP MS and the
overall SP2 effort. A good discussion will only HELP the XP user community.
The fact that XP SP2 post RC2 2162 has been widely reported in the press and
is widely available for download and the fact that there is no charge for
this product which MS has announced will be free and within about a month,
MAKES all this WACKO gabber about NDAs and confidentiality simply a TROLL by
folks who think they are some kind of palace guard but in reality lurk under

The information and the free product have made there way into the public
domain. Now let's have a free discussion in the public domain.


I got it direct from the microsoft website, a link that is wdiely
available on the net.

PS. nice troll ;-)

OK. Put up or shut up: post the URL for this on the MS website.

Star Fleet Admiral Q

I think you meant "Longhorn" not "Lonestar", one is the codename for
the next Windows version, the other is the nickname for the state of
"Texas" - you must have "Bush" on your mind.

Star Fleet Admiral Q

Whether you physically signed your signature, or clicked the "agree"
button when you downloaded the file, it means the same - you agree to
the terms in which MS put on you downloading the file. Again the EULA
was agreed upon when you installed the software. Two different
things - Two different agreements.

Jupiter Jones [MVP]

You seem to have ignored an important part of my post as you seem to
have ignored responsibilities of a Beta tester.
You ask "Where's this "evidence" you speak of?"
In the part of my post you seemed to miss, posted again below:
"To protect yourself legally and otherwise you need to get in touch
with your Beta contact to ensure you have a clear understanding of
your responsibilities."
The evidence you speak of is there.


Jupiter said:
You seem to have ignored an important part of my post as you seem to
have ignored responsibilities of a Beta tester.
You ask "Where's this "evidence" you speak of?"
In the part of my post you seemed to miss, posted again below:
"To protect yourself legally and otherwise you need to get in touch
with your Beta contact to ensure you have a clear understanding of
your responsibilities."
The evidence you speak of is there.

Does it ****ing matter?


There are several MS NGs regarding XP SP2 described here:
a.. Server:
b.. Account name: privatenews\sp2user
c.. Password: password
d.. Note that the password is case-sensitive.
There is a thread regarding 2162 in .general there where some information
is beginning to accumulate. The first notable finding is that with a minor
registry hack(apparently supplied to the beta testors) one can get/download
2162 from Windows Update.

Is that WinUP download a glaring catastrophic security collapse(company
jewels giveaway that the palace guard{rogue MVPs} must fervently defend
against) in the MS beta distribution process or is it simply that ~30 days
from a free public release of SP2 that 2162 is no big deal.


Why on the MS website? You lost me in one sentence.

Read you own post. You stated "I got it direct from the microsoft
website, a linke that is wdiely available on the net."

Again I say: Put up or shut up. Post the URL for this you found on
the MS website.

Jupiter Jones [MVP]

2162 has been downloaded by many using registry changes.
Presumably the registry information was illegally posted on the net.
The information about the registry may be effectively stolen.
2162 however is then downloaded from Microsoft.
There is nowhere on Microsoft's website that gives the information
about registry changes.

There could be many reasons why 2162 is not for public release.There
are certain stability and functionality standards that apply to
Release Candidates that do not apply to the others.
It is often incorrect to assume a later build is better, this is not
always the case.


NobodyMan said:
Read you own post. You stated "I got it direct from the microsoft
website, a linke that is wdiely available on the net."

Again I say: Put up or shut up. Post the URL for this you found on
the MS website.

Why would I want to post it on the MS website? Aha, you want me to post
it here, is that it? OK, I go look for it for you :)


Why would I want to post it on the MS website? Aha, you want me to post
it here, is that it? OK, I go look for it for you :)

YES! You keep claiming you found this built on the MS Website. OK,
then, POST THE DAMN URL. That's what I keep asking you to do. Put
your money where your mouth is (although it appears there isn't enough
money in the entire universe to fill your mouth).


NobodyMan said:
YES! You keep claiming you found this built on the MS Website. OK,
then, POST THE DAMN URL. That's what I keep asking you to do. Put
your money where your mouth is (although it appears there isn't enough
money in the entire universe to fill your mouth).

Well, I can't remember the link, but having just had a quick browse of
alt.cracks, I found this;

Let me know how you get on.

PS. thanx for compliment about my mouth

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