Anyone tried XP SP2 post RC2 build 2162 ??


Josh Einstein

1) I said Lonestar, not Longhorn. Lonestar was being actively discussed
including the new TIP, new SDK, etc in these newsgroups for months.

2) Don't confuse a EULA with a NDA. They are two different things entirely.
NDA's are legally binding, EULAs are not. The worst that can happen with a
EULA is your software license is terminated.

3) The provision in the EULA for non-disclosure is about new features. Since
SP2 was feature complete by the first RC, we are all at liberty to talk
about any version.

4) I never said I was not in the beta newsgroups. I simply said I'm not
prohibited from talking about it on here. I have been on the beta, technical
preview whatever you want to call it since it was first available to those
outside Microsoft. I am not talking about the public beta.

Chris H.

Josh, what has been available to the public is the preview edition. What is
going on within the technical beta IS covered by NDA/EULA and may not be
discussed outside the technical beta newsgroups.
Chris H.
Microsoft Windows MVP/Tablet PC
Tablet Creations -
Associate Expert
Expert Zone -

Josh Einstein

Okay well you can stop saying NDA cause there's no NDA. And like I said
before, the EULA only prevents you from disclosing features not made public
by Microsoft. Since there are no undisclosed features in the POST RC2 build,
we're free to talk about it. That's the bottom line.

Josh Einstein
Einstein Technologies
Add ink input to Outlook with Tablet Enhancements for Outlook! Only $19.99!

Chris H. said:
Josh, what has been available to the public is the preview edition. What
going on within the technical beta IS covered by NDA/EULA and may not be
discussed outside the technical beta newsgroups.
Chris H.
Microsoft Windows MVP/Tablet PC
Tablet Creations -
Associate Expert
Expert Zone -

Chris H.

Agreed, the Tablet PC Edition 2005 superset is included in Windows XP
Service Pack 2, Release Candidate 2, which available to the public. There
are proper public preview newsgroups for those discussions. Discussion
beyond RC2 is still prohibited, which is why I'm attempting to tell you any
post RC2 discussions are not valid here.

Post RC2 builds are not available to the public as part of the preview
program, and if a user has post RC2 builds they are (1) a technical beta
tester with access to the proper technical beta newsgroups for discussion,
or (2) a thief.

In the case of #1 above, the proper channels are available and should be
used. In the case of #2, they know what they can do with the build they're
running. The Tablet PC Edition 2005 superset is not yet a released product,
and therefore only "supported" in the proper beta/preview newsgroups.
Chris H.
Microsoft Windows MVP/Tablet PC
Tablet Creations -
Associate Expert
Expert Zone -

Josh Einstein said:
Okay well you can stop saying NDA cause there's no NDA. And like I said
before, the EULA only prevents you from disclosing features not made public
by Microsoft. Since there are no undisclosed features in the POST RC2 build,
we're free to talk about it. That's the bottom line.

Josh Einstein

Alright fine since we can't agree.. how's this. You don't have to post in
this thread and those of us who want to talk about it will since there are
no undisclosed features that we'd be disclosing outside of the provisions of
the EULA.

Chris H.

The proper area for public discussions of RC2 and the Tablet PC Edition 2005
are defined here: See
the link under Newsgroups on the right side. It is an unreleased,
unsupported product at this point, but once Microsoft provides the release
and everyone upgrades with XP SP2 and Tablet PC Edition 2005, we will
support it here.
Chris H.
Microsoft Windows MVP/Tablet PC
Tablet Creations -
Associate Expert
Expert Zone -

Jupiter Jones [MVP]

"I have been on the beta, technical preview whatever you want to call
Which is it?
They are two different programs with two different purposes.
If you have no NDA, you are not part of the Beta.
The Technical Preview currently has offered RC 1 & RC 2 of SP 2.
That does not make you a Beta tester.
You and your organization may consider you a Beta tester but that
would be strictly internal to you.
To use the two different terms here as if they are synonymous when
they are not does nothing but add to the confusion.
Since you seem to lack the knowledge of the difference it seems you
are on the Technical Preview as all Beta testers would clearly know
and distinguish the difference.

To clarify, exactly how did you become involved with the
Beta/Technical Preview and to what extent?

Josh Einstein

I'm on the beta "Jupiter". I was one of the earliest
beta testers. You think I'm "out of the loop" or that I think I'm a cool
beta tester because I downloaded a publicly available service pack when in
fact I've been testing Lonestar and the SDK since it was first available.
I've had lunch with the Tablet PC developers. So I very much consider myself
a beta tester.

You seem to be missing my point. There is no NDA. It's a EULA. I didn't sign
anything. I clicked an "agree" button. And the terms that I agreed to don't
prohibit me from talking about it in this group so long as I am not publicly
divulging previously undisclosed features -- of which there are none.

How did you guys become MVP's anyway? You're not very helpful.

Josh Einstein
Einstein Technologies
Add ink input to Outlook with Tablet Enhancements for Outlook! Only $19.99!

Jupiter Jones said:
"I have been on the beta, technical preview whatever you want to call
Which is it?
They are two different programs with two different purposes.
If you have no NDA, you are not part of the Beta.
The Technical Preview currently has offered RC 1 & RC 2 of SP 2.
That does not make you a Beta tester.
You and your organization may consider you a Beta tester but that
would be strictly internal to you.
To use the two different terms here as if they are synonymous when
they are not does nothing but add to the confusion.
Since you seem to lack the knowledge of the difference it seems you
are on the Technical Preview as all Beta testers would clearly know
and distinguish the difference.

To clarify, exactly how did you become involved with the
Beta/Technical Preview and to what extent?

Chris H.

We are trying to be helpful, Josh, but are having a difficult time
communicating with you. There are a couple points you really do need to

1. The technical beta aspect and what goes on there is NDA. Period. You
cannot discuss, hint or otherwise reveal anything from within the beta
itself. Any questions you may have are to be directed to the technical beta
newsgroups only.

2. The public preview version of XPSP2 has had two releases, RC1 and RC2.
What is in those releases is in public domain, but discussion is to take
place in the public preview newsgroups (from the URL I offered).

Please direct your discussions to the appropriate areas.
Chris H.
Microsoft Windows MVP/Tablet PC
Tablet Creations -
Associate Expert
Expert Zone -

Josh Einstein

Oh well... I won't say anymore on the topic. The original poster asked a
question and I answered him. If you have a problem with it, take it to the
MS legal team.

Josh Einstein
Einstein Technologies
Add ink input to Outlook with Tablet Enhancements for Outlook! Only $19.99!

Chris H. said:
We are trying to be helpful, Josh, but are having a difficult time
communicating with you. There are a couple points you really do need to

1. The technical beta aspect and what goes on there is NDA. Period. You
cannot discuss, hint or otherwise reveal anything from within the beta
itself. Any questions you may have are to be directed to the technical
newsgroups only.

2. The public preview version of XPSP2 has had two releases, RC1 and RC2.
What is in those releases is in public domain, but discussion is to take
place in the public preview newsgroups (from the URL I offered).

Please direct your discussions to the appropriate areas.
Chris H.
Microsoft Windows MVP/Tablet PC
Tablet Creations -
Associate Expert
Expert Zone -

Chris H.

Not the point, Josh. We're trying to assist your understanding of what you
can and can't talk about, and where. If you choose to ignore helpful
advice, then it is your problem.
Chris H.
Microsoft Windows MVP/Tablet PC
Tablet Creations -
Associate Expert
Expert Zone -

Josh Einstein said:
Oh well... I won't say anymore on the topic. The original poster asked a
question and I answered him. If you have a problem with it, take it to the
MS legal team.

Josh Einstein

No you think I signed an NDA which I did not. I already told you that the
relevant part of the EULA for confidentiality only covers features that were
not publicly disclosed. Go check a google archive of all the Lonestar posts
you participated in before it was publicly available.

Chris H.

And the information I talked about was posted on Microsoft's web site prior
to the beta, Josh. By installing a beta build, you have agreed to the
confidentiality clauses. If you don't believe me, check out the web site
beta information (both locations). I'm ending this discussion now. Feel
free to understand the rules and live by them.
Chris H.
Microsoft Windows MVP/Tablet PC
Tablet Creations -
Associate Expert
Expert Zone -

Alex Nichol

Josh said:
I don't know about the rest of you but I am on the beta and I didn't sign
any non-disclosure agreements to get there. I'm not allowed to benchmark it
or redistribute it, but I'm not prohibited from talking about it.

If you are on the beta then you did sign an NDA. You may be on the
Technical Preview, which has allowed access to RC1 and RC2 - but I am
not sure about test builds such as the one mentioned


Chris H. said:
Agreed, the Tablet PC Edition 2005 superset is included in Windows XP
Service Pack 2, Release Candidate 2, which available to the public. There
are proper public preview newsgroups for those discussions. Discussion
beyond RC2 is still prohibited, which is why I'm attempting to tell you any
post RC2 discussions are not valid here.

NO, what you are doing is simply being an obnoxious troll.

Please stop trolling this thread and let folks who want to participate with
the intent of the thread title post.

Jupiter Jones [MVP]

Then clearly you need to review the copies of the screens you agreed
when you first started as a Beta tester for SP 2.
This is not the EULA you seem to bring up often.
There was an agreement you agreed you seem to have completely
You are still bound by it.
The EULA may not fully apply to Beta testers.
You are rapidly setting yourself for a violation of your agreements.

You seem not to trust anyone here in spite of the overwhelming
evidence what they say is true.
You bring up irrelevant points such as Lonestar and SDK long after you
originally brought them up.
You have a hard time distinguishing between a Beta and the Technical
Preview, major mistake on your part.

I also fail to see why "lunch with the Tablet PC developers." has any
connection or relevance or connection to being a Beta tester.
I know many that claim much more than you and are not beta testers.
Many of the MVPs here can make similar claims and more but they now
such bragging is not relevant.

"How did you guys become MVP's anyway? You're not very helpful."
An insult to others sincerely attempting to help you.
We seem to be unhelpful to you regardless the facts, as long as it is
not what you want to hear we are "not very helpful".
You need to seek the facts.

To protect yourself legally and otherwise you need to get in touch
with your Beta contact to ensure you have a clear understanding of
your responsibilities.

Jupiter Jones [MVP]

Josh Einstein said:
I'm on the beta "Jupiter". I was one of the earliest
beta testers. You think I'm "out of the loop" or that I think I'm a cool
beta tester because I downloaded a publicly available service pack when in
fact I've been testing Lonestar and the SDK since it was first available.
I've had lunch with the Tablet PC developers. So I very much consider myself
a beta tester.

You seem to be missing my point. There is no NDA. It's a EULA. I didn't sign
anything. I clicked an "agree" button. And the terms that I agreed to don't
prohibit me from talking about it in this group so long as I am not publicly
divulging previously undisclosed features -- of which there are none.

How did you guys become MVP's anyway? You're not very helpful.


Yes, now take you off topic troll out of here.

Jupiter Jones said:
Then clearly you need to review the copies of the screens you agreed
when you first started as a Beta tester for SP 2.
This is not the EULA you seem to bring up often.
There was an agreement you agreed you seem to have completely
You are still bound by it.
The EULA may not fully apply to Beta testers.
You are rapidly setting yourself for a violation of your agreements.

You seem not to trust anyone here in spite of the overwhelming
evidence what they say is true.
You bring up irrelevant points such as Lonestar and SDK long after you
originally brought them up.
You have a hard time distinguishing between a Beta and the Technical
Preview, major mistake on your part.

I also fail to see why "lunch with the Tablet PC developers." has any
connection or relevance or connection to being a Beta tester.
I know many that claim much more than you and are not beta testers.
Many of the MVPs here can make similar claims and more but they now
such bragging is not relevant.

"How did you guys become MVP's anyway? You're not very helpful."
An insult to others sincerely attempting to help you.
We seem to be unhelpful to you regardless the facts, as long as it is
not what you want to hear we are "not very helpful".
You need to seek the facts.

To protect yourself legally and otherwise you need to get in touch
with your Beta contact to ensure you have a clear understanding of
your responsibilities.


There's that "we" again. There is no "we" here. Just users looking for
answers. This is certainly not the personal domain of MVP's. Public group,
all opinions are valid.


Chris H. said:
We are trying to be helpful, Josh, but are having a difficult time
communicating with you. There are a couple points you really do need to

1. The technical beta aspect and what goes on there is NDA. Period. You
cannot discuss, hint or otherwise reveal anything from within the beta
itself. Any questions you may have are to be directed to the technical beta
newsgroups only.

2. The public preview version of XPSP2 has had two releases, RC1 and RC2.
What is in those releases is in public domain, but discussion is to take
place in the public preview newsgroups (from the URL I offered).

Please direct your discussions to the appropriate areas.
Chris H.
Microsoft Windows MVP/Tablet PC
Tablet Creations -
Associate Expert
Expert Zone -

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