Annoying Ad on Desktop



I seem to have acquired an annoying advertisement from Smart Security that has completely taken over my Desktop. The Icons remain in place but my picture background desktop has been overlaid with this horrendous advert. I have tried a System Restore which worked initially but within 20 minutes the offending Ad had taken over again. Help


I have tried various options now to rid myself of this menace, and worringly the option that the adverisement offers is to download and exe from it's site and then unistall it. This seems to me to be a bit hazarados has anybody any other sugestions, I have tried ad-aware and other suggested options but the offending Ad still remains.


I have tried various options now to rid myself of this menace, and worringly the option that the adverisement offers is to download and exe from it's site and then unistall it. This seems to me to be a bit hazarados has anybody any other sugestions, I have tried ad-aware and other suggested options but the offending Ad still remains.

It would be more helpful if you would give more info other than "I've
tried lots of 'stuff' to fix it." What exactly have you tried? What
was the result? Have you installed/configured a firewall and/or
pop-up blocker? Spybot? Ad-Aware?

See what I'm getting at? Nobody can help you if you won't be more


I have the same problem. The background is there on startup, but quickly disappears to a white "screen" that blinks occasonally.

When I right-click and select properties, I get "file://C:\WINDOWS\Web\desktop.html" I cannot locate any such file. I have run spybot, adaware and hijacker; I then ran a utility from Symantec for a "ghost" program. I run Norton Internet Security and it got through without sending any flags up; I ran Antivirus and it comes up clean. I ran disk cleanup to remove clutter, followed by a full defrag. I tired a system restore, but it remains.

I have noticed system speed is reduced, yet no visible programs running according to task manager. I picked it up when I opened a page from a Yahoo search, that launched 6 more pages before I could shut them down. Afterwards, this was there.


I have the exact same problem. As of yet, I have been unable to find a solution. But if you are able to find one, could you post it here? And I'll do the same. thanks!



Right click the desktop/properties/desktop/cusstomize desktop/web. Remove
it from there.


Cannot right-click the desktop because the page is overlayed on top. No evident way of getting beneath it. System shows the desktop setting arre still default.



We appreciate your help. But changing the wallpaper/display does not resolve the situation. The new wallpaper/display is displayed BEHIND the white wallpaper on the desktop. (The new wallpaper is briefly visable during system start-up.

Any ideas?




We appreciate your help. But changing the wallpaper/display does not resolve the situation. The new wallpaper/display is displayed BEHIND the white wallpaper on the desktop. (The new wallpaper is briefly visable during system start-up.

Any ideas?




We appreciate your help. But changing the wallpaper/display does not resolve the situation. The new wallpaper/display is displayed BEHIND the white wallpaper on the desktop. (The new wallpaper is briefly visable during system start-up.

Any ideas?


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