ANN: FreeNoyev1.25



FreeNote v1.25

MGShareware is proud to announce FreeNote v1.25.

FreeNote is a small Windows application that let you place virtual
sticky notes
around your desktop.
What is the best place to write notes on?
Of course your PC desktop, where they are all visible at a glance.
FreeNote let you create a number of virtual sticky notes around your PC

Now it support multiple languages (English, Italian, Spanish,
Portuguese, ....).

Product page:
Download page:


Mark Carter

MGShareware said:
FreeNote v1.25

MGShareware is proud to announce FreeNote v1.25.

What's the deal, here? A name like MGShareware puts me off straight away.

"The dream of persons that would like to create high quality software,
affordable to everyone, or even better, free for everyone, and also find
a way to let it remunerate themself."

Huh? And your website has the menus "Products" and "Registration Key
Recovery" - which seems suspicious. So, is this stuff truly for free, or
do we have to send someone over with a cluebat to sort you out?


MGShareware was born many years ago as a shareware software publisher.
The name is still the same but now we publish both freeware (for non
commercial use) and shareware software.

Susan Bugher

Mark said:
MGShareware wrote:

What's the deal, here? A name like MGShareware puts me off straight away.

"The dream of persons that would like to create high quality software,
affordable to everyone, or even better, free for everyone, and also find
a way to let it remunerate themself."

Huh? And your website has the menus "Products" and "Registration Key
Recovery" - which seems suspicious. So, is this stuff truly for free, or
do we have to send someone over with a cluebat to sort you out?

FYI this was posted on Tue, 01 Feb 2005 in regard to their "FreeRIP"

"On Jan 5th, the author of this crap posted here announcing the release
of this spyware/adware ridden nonsense. Sensibly, he ran off rather than
face detailed questioning."

more here:

I think I'll pass on all these apps without further ado. . . ;)

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