tools for stickies 5.0a (makes for a much more useful app than anything similiar)



I think of Stickies Store as a spike onto which I can put stickies once
I don't need them on the screen any more, but don't quite want to
delete them for good.

If you right-click a sticky when Stickies Store is installed, you'll
see an extra menu item at the bottom of the menu, "Store sticky". This
will transfer the sticky into the Stickies Store, which will then
invite you to give it a title if it doesn't already have one, and
choose a category in which to place the sticky. Stored stickies can be
sorted, and can be printed, searched and sent back to Stickies.

A help file is included in the download.

See the compatibility page for full details on what's required to get
Store to run under your version of Windows.

Stickies Store v2 requires Stickies v5. Similarly, v5 of Stickies only
works with v2 of Store.

Note: you need to have enabled networking in the Stickies options
dialog for Stickies Store to work - the two programs use TCP/IP to

Stickies Scanner will read in your list of friends, and periodically
check to see whether they have their computer on, or whether they're
running Stickies. The blue blob means computer on, the yellow one means
running Stickies, and the red circle means the machine could not be


* Friends can be listed by on/off-line status, or alphabetically
* Optional title bar
* Optionally always-on-top
* Minutes between checks can be set
* Custom sound made when a friend logs on or off
* Friends stay bold for ten seconds after their status has changed
* Entries can be either a Stickies friend, or a manual host name/IP
* Window can be resized

STICKY (command line)
In order so that Stickies can be integrated with third party programs,
I wrote sticky.exe. Examples of execution are as follows:

* C:\> sticky This is the text.\nThis is another line.

This will send a sticky to the IP address (which is
always the machine on which the command is executed, as is the string
"localhost") with the text following it. The "\n" is replaced with a
newline character, so that the two sentences will be on separate lines.

* C:\> sticky -file filename.ext

This will do the same thing, but rather than specifying literal
text, instead the file "filename.ext" will be opened, and the contents
will be sent.

* C:\> sticky -file sticky.sti

This final mode comes into play when the filename you pass to
sticky.exe has an extension of .sti. This will cause the first line of
the file to be interpreted as colour and font formatting information.
For example, the following file:

-32|0|0|0|400|0|0|0|0|3|2|1|2|Mondine SF|0|0|0|0|0|255:309
This is a formatted sticky
This is a second line

would cause a dark blue sticky to be created, with 24 point
Mondine used as the font, which was 309 pixels wide. This does the same
as the main stickies.exe program in creating stickies from .sti files.

* C:\> sticky "Tom Revell" Hi there Tom

Just as the destination may be an IP address or host name, if you
enclose a friend name in quotes as above, sticky.exe will open a file
stickies.ini in the current directory, and find the friend in there,
and use the address associated with it. That way you could send a
sticky to a friend without having to know their IP address. As long as
Stickies knows it, sticky.exe will pick it out from the ini file.

Other command line options are:

* -secret (sends the sticky in secret mode)
* -width (auto-sizes the sticky on receipt)
* -source (sets the sender - only honoured by Stickies when they
arrive from the local machine; the source IP address must be

The format for using the command is then:

sticky.exe destination | "Friend Name" [-secret] [-width] [-source
source_name] [-file file.ext | text]

The utility returns an ERRORLEVEL of 0 if the sticky was successfully
sent, and 1 if there was a problem.

Although not all options have to be specified, they must be used in the
order above.

RAWChat is a peer-to-peer chat client which, when put in the same
directory as your stickies.ini, will read it in, and use your friends

It has support for emotions, subject changes, inviting and whispering.
It's totally peer-to-peer; chats are not moderated, people cannot be
kicked, chats are by invite only. Run it up, and it puts another icon
in your task-tray. Type "/help" into the smaller, bottom edit box to
get a list of commands RAWChat will accept.

For v1.0e, chats may be minimised, and then restored when you choose.
The task tray icon will indicate when you receive a message while a
chat is minimised, and return after an explorer crash. You can choose
to log a chat to a file.

17/10/04 - v1.0f now supports stickies.ini files with alternate ports -
v5.0a of Stickies

Stickies Server is designed to be run on an NT/2000 machine as a
service to serve out friends lists. This permits a central machine
which can be left always running to take load from a client PC in a
large Stickies installation. It can be managed using a standard web

The program reads a file called options.ini as it starts, an example of
which is shown below:


This options file will synchronise with the machine at every 60
minutes. It will also listen on TCP/IP port 81 for web requests, and it
will log all HTTP requests, to a file called http.log. The
authorisation code (password) for performing administration is
"password", and the server will use DNS to look up incoming

Stickies Server writes a current friends list to the file friends.ini,
and activity and errors to activity.log and error.log respectively.
HTTP requests are written to http.log.

The head.html and tail.html files are read once on startup, and used to
form the basis of web pages it serves. There are several macros which
are replaced by the program when the page is served:

* ##DATE## is replaced by the current date and time
* ##TITLE## is replaced by the title of the page being served
* ##VERSION## is replaced by the name and version of the server

A sticky sent to the server with just the text "sync" on it will cause
the server to sync with the sender. A sticky sent with the text "send "
followed by a group name or friend name will cause the server to update
that address with the friends list it holds. This friends list will
only accepted by client machines which have v4.5a of Stickies or
greater, and the Stickies Server IP address or hostname in their "Sync
on startup with" box.

You cannot run Stickies server on the same machine as Stickies, as it
uses the same TCP/IP port.

I would suggest that the application is put somewhere suitable, and the
utilities instsrv.exe and srvany.exe from the Windows NT resource kit
are used to make it run as a service. Assuming that the application is
installed in the c:\ss directory, first enter:

instsrv "Stickies Server" c:\ss\srvany.exe

Then edit the registry key:
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\Stickies Server,
and create a key called Parameters, and in it create two string values,
Application, with a value of c:\ss\server.exe, and AppDirectory, with a
value of c:\ss. The document srvany.wri on the resource kit contains
more information.

UnixSticky has been written by Nicolas Fradet ([email protected])

It works with Gtk::perl and xinetd.
The file Sticky is to be placed in your xinetd.d directory after you
have corrected the path to inside. The friend list is a
file placed in /etc named Sticky.conf formatted like:


This file must be readable to the end-user.

Another thing is executing 'xhost +local:' to permit Sticky popups once
per boot.

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