an erratic problem about setting ip address


william wang

i use this undocumented function to set ip address:
i can set ip successfully, but a erratic problem appears,
after ip changed, i can connect to internet, but i can't access neighbour
computer in local network by the way that
type \\ in the address column.

typedef DWORD (WINAPI *PDhcpNotifyConfigChange)(
LPWSTR lpwszServerName, // NULL for local machine
LPWSTR lpwszAdapterName, // see below
BOOL fNewIpAddress, // TRUE if IP address modified
DWORD dwIpIndex, // IP address index (0 based)
DWORD dwIpAddress, // IP address to set (network order)
DWORD dwSubNetMask, // Associated subnet mask (network order)
int nDhcpAction ); // 0:don't modify/1:enable/2:disable DHCP
thanks for any help.

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