After transferring files from OE, where do they go in Outlook 00?



After transferring my file folders from Outlook Express to Outlook 2000, I
can't locate the sub-folders I created though I saw them being transferred. I
only can retrieve the messages from my Inbox and Delete folders. Any


What method did you use for the transfer?

Jocelyn Fiorello
MVP - Outlook

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In Microsoft Outlook 2000, I went to File, Import and Export, Import Internet
Mail and Addresses, I selected OE and checked Import Mail. I did this through
Import and Export Wizard.


Try exporting from the OE side and see if that works better.

Jocelyn Fiorello
MVP - Outlook

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I did that. Thanks. But I still don't see where my folders and emails are in
Outlook. I don't see where I can create any new sub folders either. My
Outlook displays a shortcut menu. ?? New to me also.
Other suggestions are welcomed. Thanks.


If the Folder List is not showing, click View | Folder List. You should then
see all your folders.

Jocelyn Fiorello
MVP - Outlook

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Smooch!!! Jocelyn, that's a long distance kiss (on the cheek) from me. Thank
you! Thank you! I have one more issue. How do I stop receiving emails from
Outlook Express & start receiving them in Outlook now?
Thank you again!


1) Make sure Outlook is listed as your default mail program here: Control
Panel | Internet Options | Programs tab.

2) Remove all mail accounts from Outlook Express (unless you can't bear to
part with them for some reason).

3) Disable automatic checking for new mail in OE.

4) Only open OE if you're going to use it for newsreading (Outlook doesn't
have its own newsreader, it uses OE for that), and either open the newsreader
through Outlook (View | Go To | News) or open OE with the /newsonly switch.
This way, all mail functions in OE are disabled anyway, so there's no chance
of using them by mistake.

Jocelyn Fiorello
MVP - Outlook

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When I go to Internet Options, I only have a Content tab; no Programs tab. I
have Windows 98. Any other suggestions?


1) What version of Internet Explorer are you using, or are you using a
different browser? We'll need to figure out how you can specify your default
e-mail program -- it's been a long time since I've used Outlook 2000, Windows
98 or any older versions of IE.

2) It depends on whether or not you're using Outlook in Internet Mail Only
mode or in Corporate/Workgroup mode. IMO mode does not support separate
Outlook files, and since you're using Win98, you don't have the option of
separate user logins either. However, you can have 5 different e-mail
accounts in IMO mode and just create rules to move incoming mail to different
folders based on the receiving account. You could switch to C/W mode, which
does allow separate mail profiles, but may cause you to lose other
functionality -- see for a
comparison of the two modes. FYI, Outlook 2000 was the last version of
Outlook to separate modes like that.

Jocelyn Fiorello
MVP - Outlook

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Jocelyn Fiorello [MVP - Outlook]

A slight modification to #2 below -- I meant to say that IMO mode does
not support separate *profiles*.

Jocelyn Fiorello
MVP - Outlook

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