Vote results

  • Thread starter Thread starter John Corliss
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If you are truly concerned about avoiding all this useless noise, I
recommend you reign in JC if you have any power to do so , and stop
encouraging him.

Please, may I keep my daily soap :-).
Hey, why don't you GO **** YOURSELF, Aaron?

****ing punk.

Well, now he's mad and will probably soon leave in a huff; which is
too bad because he usually has a lot of helpful suggestions when he's
not on his zealot soap box.
Maynard said:
You can always tell when someone has lost, they resort to swearing and

Perhaps you didn't notice that I canceled that message. Thanks for
reposting it.

John Corliss
I don't reply to trolls like Andy Mabbett or Doc (who uses sock puppets)
for instance. No adware, cdware, commercial software, crippleware,
demoware, nagware, PROmotionware, shareware, spyware, time-limited
software, trialware, viruses or warez for me, please.
John Corliss said:
Perhaps you didn't notice that I canceled that message.

What, this one:

Hey, why don't you GO **** YOURSELF, Aaron?

****ing punk.


You do know that cancels rarely work as intended, don't you? And why
they don't? Or are you clueless about that, as well?
Perhaps you didn't notice that I canceled that message. Thanks for
reposting it.

John - your original message reached me - perhaps not all servers
cancel messages so quickly

the fact is that you are admitting you posted while pissed off - you
are wrong and you know it

please get back to posting good stuff - I remember you felt that your
efforts on usenet were stressing you out too much and you disappeared
for quite a long time - for your sake, I wonder if you should chill so
you don't get to the point where you feel you have to withdraw
completely ?

Meant with the best intentions :-)
John said:
FYI since this reply to susan was burried in the thread I am reposting so
you can read it.

Yes, thanks. Although I actually read you post from the avalanche of a
thread above :)
This whole "vote" was because Corliss wanted to restrain me from posting
information I though helpful for the poster asking a question

Do you have a problem with this? If not you should agree and support my

Hi John J S

In fact I seem to remember the original discussion, I'm not able to
confirm as I'm using a free news server, but was it about some PDF app?

As I'm kinda new here, I'm not too familiar with the dynamics in this
group, but... I would say that JC didn't want to offend you personally.
I'd guess the original conflict was a result of JC's larger scheme to
start some kind of reform regarding not-so-freeware related discussions
:) So, in that sense one might suggest that, although understandably,
you might have adapted a little steep attitude towards JC in this thread.

And in case you're wondering.. on my behalf you, or anyone else, is
welcome to post also non-free solutions to problems; at least I would
like to hear about proprietary solutions if nothing free is available.

freedom for all :)
And in case you're wondering.. on my behalf you, or anyone else,
is welcome to post also non-free solutions to problems; at least
I would like to hear about proprietary solutions if nothing free
is available.

There's at least two problems with that approach:

1. Who am I to be sure that there *isn't* any free solution
available? There might be, but I could just not be aware
of it.

If I post a question for a freeware-solution here, and there was no
responses, I would simply draw the conclusion that there is no freeware
solution to it, at least not known in the group.

2. If the poster *really* is open for other solutions, the
most natural act would then be to look for non-freeware
solutions in non-freeware places. It could rather *offend*
the poster to suggest non-freeware in a freeware group.

At least I wouldn't expect to be suggested non-freeware solutions in

Though it's a freeware group, I had 2 more cents to give... ;-)

// Bjorn A

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Bjorn said:

There's at least two problems with that approach:

1. Who am I to be sure that there *isn't* any free solution
available? There might be, but I could just not be aware
of it.

2. If the poster *really* is open for other solutions, the
most natural act would then be to look for non-freeware
solutions in non-freeware places.

At least I wouldn't expect to be suggested non-freeware solutions in

That's how I prefer to operate too.

John said:
Perhaps you didn't notice that I canceled that message. Thanks for
reposting it.

John Corliss
I don't reply to trolls like Andy Mabbett or Doc (who uses sock puppets)
for instance. No adware, cdware, commercial software, crippleware,
demoware, nagware, PROmotionware, shareware, spyware, time-limited
software, trialware, viruses or warez for me, please.

Cancel did not work:-((

Alastair said:
John - your original message reached me - perhaps not all servers
cancel messages so quickly

the fact is that you are admitting you posted while pissed off - you
are wrong and you know it

please get back to posting good stuff - I remember you felt that your
efforts on usenet were stressing you out too much and you disappeared
for quite a long time - for your sake, I wonder if you should chill so
you don't get to the point where you feel you have to withdraw
completely ?

Meant with the best intentions :-)

Thanks Alastair. I'm actually *trying* to get back to posting the good
stuff entirely. Too many people gloating about the yes vote for nagware
winning though. Amazinlgyl, these same people keep criticizing me for
"not dropping it".

Regards from John Corliss
I don't reply to trolls like Andy Mabbett or Doc (who uses sock puppets)
for instance. No adware, cdware, commercial software, crippleware,
demoware, nagware, PROmotionware, shareware, spyware, time-limited
software, trialware, viruses or warez for me, please.
John Corliss said:
Too many people gloating about the yes vote for nagware winning though.
Amazinlgyl, these same people keep criticizing me for "not dropping

It's never you who's at fault, is it?
Don't know about the number of 'allies' John has (I count myself as
one of them btw).

Well, oh sure, there are one or two still lying around, but nothing like
say 2 years ago or more....
In this thread, count the times that he (John C.) has posted as
opposed to the number of posts protesting his right to do so.

Count the number of times he started threads which he knows will lead to
big debates that resolve nothing. Count the number of times, he has made
the issue about him. There's a reason why JC is a super high profile
poster you know....

I mean people like Q probably hold roughly the same position as JC on the
issue, you don't see him running around starting votes, starting

Ditto for dozens of other posters, why is it that always JC is the one in
the middle?

JC blames people for provoking him, why don't they provoke me? Or you? or
anyone else for that matter?
Hint: John isn't the 'disruptive force' here, this NG is supposed to
be 'discussion' about free software -not- other posters.

Hint: calling for votes just to settle a personal tiff, is hardly adding
to the signal:noise ratio.

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This kind of crap is uncalled for. You do not speak for anybody but
yourself, least of all the "old timers" as you describe them.

Did i imply otherwise? If so I apologise, It's just simply my observation
after reading this forum for a couple of years, maybe you even think
there is some element of truth in it, for you to get all worked up over

In any case, there is nothing for you to get all worked up over, if it is
false right?
Also note that I'm trying to drop this bulshit, and people like you
are deliberately keeping it going. So who's being disruptive at this

Well, you have a point. But certainly, the number of posts my little old
post generates will be merely a drop in the bucket, compared to your
recent handywork. So let's not be shy and suddenly start worrying about
messing up now shall we?
I posted a vulgar reply to your message and then canceled it. If you
see it though, it's exactly how I felt at that moment.

Sigh, you are so easy game, no wonder some people enjoy provoking
you...., I don't want to play anymore.

Good Luck JC...

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lol...more sarcasm? You can't be serious. No one here has any
influence or power to "reign in" anyone else.

More like wishful thinking actually. But I think JC does take into account,
communal pressure, and apparantly my post in another part of the thread
about him getting less and less support compared to yesteryear was close
enough to the truth (or so he fears), to upset him into exploding.
And I'm sure you know (or should know), JC needs no encouragment to
voice his opinion. ;)

True enough.

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