Outlook -- how to turn off attachments?



Hi, I have a couple email accounts and for one of them, I
use the default Outlook package that came with Windows
XP. I basically am interested in text-only email, no
attachments. But in OE 6.0, I can't figure out how to set
email to not receive attachments.

The worst part is, I've lately had dozens of attempts to
send copies of the latest viruses. My McAfee app is up to
date and will nuke them, but it sucks to wait on a dialup
connection while each 100K virus comes down. And the
stupid Outlook won't let me kill an email download in
midstream, it says something like "as soon as the current
message is finished" or some such idiotic thing. So I've
had to kill the modem connection to stop the transfer.
That's **SO*** stupid!!! I'm beginning to discover why so
many people hate Microsoft!

So anyway, I've lately been screening all my messages with
the Outlook account through webmail and am manually
deleting anything with attachments. But this is extra
work and it would be so simple if only OE could be set to
just pass plain text messages and reject attachments.

Any suggestions? Maybe I oughta just ditch Outlook and
get a third-party email package?

thanks in advance, jay

Scott M.

You should try Microsoft.public.outlook since this doesn't really have
anything to do with WindowsXP

Smile Extender

Attachments are part of message body. OE can separate attachments after the
message has been loaded to your computer. I think normal mail api doesn't
support downloading messages without attachments. So working solution
requiers that the mail server should delete attachments. There are virus
scanners, which can filter incoming mail before it reaches actual mail

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