Ie 6 versus Firefox



Technical superiority, if you think so. Greater safety, no. IE is more
secure than Firefox.

Winux P

Hi Stan,

| ........, if you don't like teh interface then it's not for you.

You can customise the interface to look just about the same as IE, I like
both though.
Also FF will put all history, cookies, cache,... all in the same
location, as opposed to a few different locations, personally, I like that,
and using the
start|Run, firefox.exe - profilemanager command you can place where it all
goes. Use both.

Also FF may not display some (like a tiny few) web pages the pretty way IE
does, it will get there.
Give it a go.

Winux P.

| "=?Utf-8?B?RHJldw==?=" wrote in microsoft.public.windowsxp.general:
| >To all I say Thanks !! I really appreciate the quick responses to my
| >question...I have now downloaded firefox and will put it through the
| >for a few weeks to see how it handles in the curves lol...Another
| >that I will need to know is if I decide to keep running FF,,How does one
| >rid of ie6 the quickest and most painless way ??
| You can't, because you need it for Windows updates. But you can
| tame it: when running Firefox the first time, you'll be asked
| whetehr you want it to be your default browser. If you answer
| "Yes", it will run instead of IE when you click on a link or
| Internet shortcut.
| Much as I prefer Mozilla to IE, I suggest _not_ answering Yes until
| you've tried out FF and decided whether you feel comfortable with
| it. Its technical superiority and greater safety to the side, if
| you don't like teh interface then it's not for you.
| --
| Stan Brown, Oak Road Systems, Tompkins County, New York, USA


Well, If you use ANY browser, you can find Enigma by typing into the Search
pane and find out why you haven't heard about it and learn there are other
alternatives to IE and Firefox.


Technical superiority, if you think so. Greater safety, no. IE is more
secure than Firefox.

And what clear information do you have that indicates this?

Last year MS came out in public and recommended that people no use IE 6
and to use an alternate browser.

In default installation mode, considering that's how must users run it,
what do you have that indicates IE is more secure than the current version
available for download/install of FireFox?

Philip Hristov


Technically speaking - IE is way better than Firefox. Firefox won't
open some of the sites which I am using (apart of WU). Yes. Firefox is
the best browser from the competeting browsers, but it has to eat more
milk with nesquick to be the best in the market. For example IE
supports .NET controls, Firefox does not. IE is vulnerabale because it
has so many features and it is most widespread browser.




Sandman said:
Well, If you use ANY browser, you can find Enigma by typing into the
Search pane and find out why you haven't heard about it and learn
there are other alternatives to IE and Firefox.

LOL! It looks to me like Enigma is using the IE engine under its hood.
That's why you can access WinUpdate with it.

It is fast though.

Self-anointed Moderator
"Trustworthy Computing" is only another example of an Oxymoron!
"Produkt-Aktivierung macht frei"


K said:
Technical superiority, if you think so. Greater safety, no. IE is more
secure than Firefox.

ROFL! Have ya' noticed that the people that come out emphatically on
the side of IE, NEVER give any reasons why?!

And I'm more humble the Jaysus!


Self-anointed Moderator
"Trustworthy Computing" is only another example of an Oxymoron!
"Produkt-Aktivierung macht frei"



Technically speaking - IE is way better than Firefox. Firefox won't open
some of the sites which I am using (apart of WU). Yes. Firefox is the
best browser from the competeting browsers, but it has to eat more milk

Actually, sites that don't work in FireFox are not 100% compliant, which
is a good indication that the programmers didn't design the site properly,
or that the target audience was not intended to be the full public.
with nesquick to be the best in the market. For example IE supports .NET
controls, Firefox does not. IE is vulnerabale because it has so many
features and it is most widespread browser.

Not quite, IE is vulnerable because it was not designed to be secure, it
was designed to provide the most functionality possible in what MS
believes should be the users Browser experience. If you configure IE as MS
suggests, in high-security mode, most web sites don't work as well as they
do in FireFox. The real issue is that IE is not setup in a secure mode
when it's installed by default, users have to learn they are vulnerable,
have to want to do something about it, have to learn how to put it in
secure mode, have to deal with learning what sites that can put in the
trusted zone (and how to do it) and then they expose their systems to any
compromise of trusted zone servers.

When we build .Net sites, and we only do ASP/ASP.Net and PHP, our sites
work the same in IE and FireFox, but we're not limited by cheap designers
or limited skill designers for website methods.

Philip Hristov

..NET Components not ASP.NET applications. IE can host the .NET runtime
and can execute .NET components, Firefox can't.

PHP developers (scripters to be honest) are limited by default, they
can build good web sites but nothing more, the do not got the fantasy
and the skills of one good programmer.




Philip said:

Technically speaking - IE is way better than Firefox. Firefox won't
open some of the sites which I am using (apart of WU).

And why is that? Because those sites don't conform to internet
standards. They are written to comply with MS's standards.
Yes. Firefox is
the best browser from the competeting browsers, but it has to eat more
milk with nesquick to be the best in the market. For example IE
supports .NET controls, Firefox does not.

..NET is a MS technology.
IE is vulnerabale because it
has so many features and it is most widespread browser.

Well at least you tried to give reasons. Not very good ones though!

Self-anointed Moderator
"Trustworthy Computing" is only another example of an Oxymoron!
"Produkt-Aktivierung macht frei"


.NET Components not ASP.NET applications. IE can host the .NET runtime
and can execute .NET components, Firefox can't.

then you should be talking Intranet and not Internet. If you are using
..Net components for a public website you've made some mistakes in design
methodology. If you site is targeted as less than the public, then it's
not really an issue to force people to use IE, but it does mean that many
users will never be able to use the site.

Inside a corporate environment IE can be forced as the standard and it
makes access to corporate resources easier to code, but that's only due to
a limitation of skill/experience on the development teams.
PHP developers (scripters to be honest) are limited by default, they can
build good web sites but nothing more, the do not got the fantasy and
the skills of one good programmer.

And I said ASP/ASP.Net in addition to PHP. Actually a good programmer is
one that does well in any language, and since PHP, even if you consider it
scripting, is still a programming method - and there can be good and bad
programmers in all sorts of languages. I've seen MS's own regional center
developers write some real crappy code, even failed to populate a grid
during a live demo (after claiming how easy it is and how skilled they
are) :)

Being a 'good' coder has nothing to do with the language, it's a innate
ability to understand and the ability to utilize the resources in the most
efficient manner while remembering that someone will have to edit your
code some day.


Drew said:
To all I say Thanks !! I really appreciate the quick responses to my
question...I have now downloaded firefox and will put it through the
paces for a few weeks to see how it handles in the curves
lol...Another question that I will need to know is if I decide to
keep running FF,,How does one get rid of ie6 the quickest and most
painless way ??

You can't really. It's part of the operating system.

Nor would you want to - more and more applications are being written with IE
APIs since the developers know it will be available. We, for example, use IE
to check for software updates from our web site.

Albert Sims

Well, If you use ANY browser, you can find Enigma by typing into the
pane and find out why you haven't heard about it and learn there are
alternatives to IE and Firefox.

Yes, like the one I've been using steadily since 2002, Opera. And IT
doesn't use the IE engine!
Tried out Firefox a couple of times, but after running for an hour or so,
it slows my system to a crawl.

Albert Sims

Technical superiority, if you think so. Greater safety, no. IE is more
secure than Firefox.

Wonder what kind of drugs you are taking that makes you so delusional?


Care to back up your claim? At least everyone here that has said Firefox is
more secure have offered valid reasons to back up their claim.

Philip Hristov


Can you and me make a widespread standard? Of course not. We are
nobody. MS is the biggest software corporation and is normal that they
make the standards. Only because they are the biggest is making them a
standard, don't you agree?

..NET is a MS technology, but anyone can host the runtime even Firefox
if the developers of the software decide to do it, and it is easy to
implement too!

Firefox is a very nice browser, I have used it for two weeks. Firefox
has the look and the feel of a browser, and I congratulate its authors
for that. However I prefer IE more. It is my choice and you can't blame
me for that.




Firefox is a very nice browser, I have used it for two weeks. Firefox
has the look and the feel of a browser, and I congratulate its authors
for that. However I prefer IE more. It is my choice and you can't blame
me for that.

No one blames you, or anyone, for running IE. I use it to test frames and
tables to ensure it looks the same as on W3C compliant browsers.

Here's a good question for you - are you securing IE as in MS Security
recommendations for IE? If you are, how are you browsing the web, public
sites, and getting the same presentation that you would in FireFox in it's
default mode?

Philip Hristov


Please do not defend PHP and PHP "programmers"...That someone can
access a DB server get and insert data to it, does not make him a
programmer. And what more you can do with PHP? Actually, I can't stand
the PHP "programmers", they claim that knowing PHP is the best thing in
the world. So what I am? I know to program the DOS, the BIOS (in DOS
mode), I can develop desktop applications, invent new algorithms. What
I am? The other day one collegue from the university (which pretended
to be a PHP "programmer") asked is SQL Server (which he thought it is a
term for a Database Server!) is MySQL server. And when I told him this
is MS's Database Server, he told me that it is a garbage! See, how good
are the PHP "programmers". Not to mention that he only know to get and
insert data into database, he did not know what is a Stored Procedure
and Data View...

Sometimes I think we were better when everything was DOS...



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