Can't delete message from folder Inbox

  • Thread starter Alezito [MS MVP]
  • Start date


My messages were originally stuck in outbox. Real problem because you
couldn't send. Only answer for me was to set up a new user identity and
delete my original one. Then everything was fine. Problem: you need to know
how to export and import your email addresses and folders. If you don't
care, then just set yourself up with a new user. It doesn't solve the
problem, just navigates around it. BTW I now have five messages stuck in
sent which I can't delete. So clearly there is a problem with Winmail.
Where's Microsoft on this issue????

Steve Cochran

The only solution so far is to wipe out the database or set up a new User as
you did or reformat the computer. So go to
Tools | Options | Maintenance | Advanced | Store Folder to find the message
store location. Then move everything under that Windows Mail directory to
another directory. Then restart WinMail and it will open fresh with nothing
in the database. You can then add your accounts and if they work correctly
then you can use File | Import | Messages and choose WinMail format and
point to the directory to which you moved the files.


Steve Cochran

No, they won't be able to repair it without wiping out the entire database.
You can do that as I indicate below, or you can live with it. If you wipe
out the database then you will have to set up your accounts all over again
and such.

To wipe out the database go to Tools | Options | Maintenance | Advanced |
Store Folder to find the message
store location. Then move everything under that Windows Mail directory to
another directory. Then restart WinMail and it will open fresh with nothing
in the database. You can then add your accounts and if they work correctly
then you can use File | Import | Messages and choose WinMail format and
point to the directory to which you moved the files.



Wiping out the database or reformatting the computer is beyond my confidence
level. And not to be a PITA, it's Tools/Options/Advanced/Maintenance
butttttt thanks anyway. I'm also fearful of your comment "if they work
correctly". Quite frankly...let's return to Outlook OR Microsoft owes us a
patch. I've set up a new user account for myself three times so far (since
Feb) because of "stuck" email issues and I grow weary about doing it again.
Thanks, Gail


The words "wipe out your database" fill me with horror. Maybe I'll go just
back to my old laptop and give this one away. :(

Steve Cochran

Okay. Its Tools | Options | Advanced | Maintenance.

I was trying to help. You can keep creating user accounts and wait for MS
to provide a patch. You probably will create several user accounts while
you wait.



I have been reading these posts each time I get a new message I can't delete.
It is weird...I will turn on my computer and a message from yesterday which
was fine all the sudden has the message area stating the message can't be
displayed etc.. and then can't be deleted. I bought this computer in Feb.
and each week or so this happens. I now have like 6 messages I can't delet
in my inbox. I have tried some of the ideas, but have run across error
messages and such. I don't think I am computer literate enough to do the
process 100% correct or something. I am a very busy mom and can't spend
hours a day on this as I have kids needing me all the time. Everytime I get
a new message that can't be deleted I waste a couple of hours trying to
repair the problem and get really frustrated..I choose to leave them there,
but get more frustrated as more collect in my inbox for no reason. The
message is fine one day and then the next day can't be deleted! I sure hope
there is a solution soon for us who need a simple!

Gary VanderMolen

Are you using either McAfee or Norton antivirus with the mail scanning
feature enabled? That is the most likely source of the undeletable email

Gary VanderMolen


Mcafee came on my computer, but I was told not to enable it being it causes
problems with Vista. I should make sure it isn't enabled, though. In the
meantime I have been hopeing to hear that it is OK to use so my computer will
be more protected.

Guest looks like Mcafee is on my computer and running. Some free trial
thing I guess. I never registered it, but looks like it has been running. I
will take it off and look into the free one. I suppose I am stuck with the
e-mails that won't delete for now, but hope this helps me not get new ones.
Are they working on making Mcafee compatible with vista? Is Norton ok with

Gary VanderMolen

For some background information on antivirus email scanning
see , especially what's
in the red box.

If the stuck emails are not preventing you from using WinMail,
I'd ignore them for now. Wait for Microsoft to come out with a fix.

Gary VanderMolen

Frank Saunders, MS-MVP OE/WM

Still Learning said:
The words "wipe out your database" fill me with horror. Maybe I'll go
back to my old laptop and give this one away. :(

The database (WindowsMail.MSMessageStore) does not contain the messages
themselves and you won't lose those. There are two copies, both of which
must be deleted.

Have you tried marking the message as read and then deleting it? That's
what I've been doing and so far it has always worked. Other things:

Try repairing the database with WMUtil from

There are two copies of WindowsMail.MSMessageStore, One in
%USERPROFILE%\AppData\Microsoft\Windows Mail
and one in
%USERPROFILE%\AppData\Microsoft\Windows Mail\Backup\New
If you delete both of these the database will be rebuilt. However, while no
messages should be lost, some may be downloaded again and you may lose some
record of which have been read. I recommend that you only do this when they
are causing you trouble, like when they are in the Outbox. Otherwise I now
just mark them as read and ignore them.

Steve Cochran

Get rid of McAfee and don't get Norton, as Gary indicated.

Then you have to remove your mail account, close and reopen WinMail, and
then add your mail account back again.

Try this to get rid of the messages you can't delete. Go to View | Layout
and disable the preview pane. Then highlight the messages and right click
on the selection and perform a Shift-Delete. If that doesn't delete them,
then right click on them and choose Move to Folder and see if you can move
them instead of delete them.

Otherwise, just ignore them.



I have the same problem but it stopped working suddenly, so now I have about
a four-day block of deleted e mails that I cannot get rid of. I agree with
everyone else who thinks that MS owes us a patch.


"Did you try marking it as read and then deleting it?
That's what I've been doing and so far it has always worked."

This is not working for me. I'm very unhappy with Windows Vista.


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