Can't delete message from folder Inbox

  • Thread starter Alezito [MS MVP]
  • Start date


None of these work for me.

For the first one, I get:
'esentutil' is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable
program or batch file.

And for the second one, there is no such filename in that folder.

Gary VanderMolen

Everyone seems to have a different idea on what the cause might be.
Windows Mail has never crashed on me, yet I have an undeletable/
undisplayable/unmovable message stuck in my Outbox.

Gary VanderMolen

Karin Habets

please remove my data from youre register.
SEC said:
Thanks Mbreau for writing in steps I can understand. I tried what you said
and it didn't work but I really appreciate your making it simple. I guess
I'll just leave all these messages in my inbox as cochran suggests. Thats
I bought a fancy new computer so I could keep dozens of useless emails in


Steve Cochran said:
The only alternative is to wipe out the message store. You can do a total
wipeout by moving everything under the Windows Mail directory to another
directory and then it will start fresh. Alternatively, you can delete the
WindowsMail.MSMessageStore file in the Windows Mail directory and the backup
of it in the Windows Mail\backup\new directory. Then the database will be
completely wiped, but your accounts should still be there and the messages
will automatically be recovered.

If you do the first option, you'll either have to import or drag and drop
the individual messages to reincorporate them.


As a newbie with the Vista home premium, I find some corrupt file will not let me delete a file or folder in the Vista organizer. The error message 0x800 70570 shows up! Canot even find chkdsk in Vista search, it says not found! Seems that Vista search engine is worse than a doorstopper! Welcome suggestions before the hard disk fills up with undeletables.




I was having the same problem on deleting a message in my outbox. At the
sametime I could not send any emails. Everything is working fine now. This
was the only fix that worked.

Don Klepper


Hello fellow suffers, well I have just stumbled into this post having got the
same problem, and reading the various posts, esp. the ones about how to fix
it leave me very unimpressed, why the hell should I have to mess about with a
brand new PC like this, and the prospect of buggering up the operating system
by fiddling around with it is not at all appealing, come on Microsoft sort
this bloody Vista system out with some sort of Update Disc, we should not
have to turn into amateur computer engineers just because we wanted to delete
a mail message.


Steve Cochran

You can leave it broken if you want. I was just trying to help people fix
it while we wait for Microsoft.



I've got the same error coming up with a message in my inbox. The thing is,
is that I moved the message to another folder yesterday and now I'm stuck
with this unreadable message in my inbox. It's most frustrating! Somebody get
round to sorting this out!


Steve, I do not wish to be obtuse, but if you think that I, a complete
ignoramus when it comes to computers can fix this problem, then why on earth
cannot Microsoft fix it for everyone? The point I'm trying to make is, why
should I have to try and fix the bloody thing anyway? I buy a car and I'm not
expected to fix it, why should PCs be different, esp. as in trying to repair
it myself, fiddling around with the programs etc might result it me deleting
important things and the PC not working at all, where does that leave me with
respect to G/tees and getting it repaired, will Microsoft pick up the
bill?,,,because I'm sure that the PC supplier (Dell) would not be happy with
my home repairs, Do Microsoft read these posts, are they actually trying to
fix the problem, does anyone know what's happening???
Steve Kane.

Steve Cochran

How am I supposed to answer that? <G>

Seriously, to some extent you are talking about a breakdown perhaps at
Microsoft, but at the same time the computer was supplied by Dell. Now who
put on the non-WinMail-compatible programs such as antivirus and antispam
software (see [which by the way is about the
only thing I can do about it])? And who is to blame for that? And how much
of the problems users are seeing are due to those issues and not other
issues incipient to WinMail?

I empathize with you. All these other users also in this newsgroup are
having similar issues. Call Dell and they will eventually refer you to MS.
Call MS and they will refer you to Dell. (or Gateway or anyone else) When
the real problem is likely the conjunction of the two coupled with their
pre-loaded software (companies paid for that -- they weren't chosen for
their compatibility) that no one tested.

And what happens is suddenly bugs that were unexpected and significant loss
of functionality for the user (YOU) . And meanwhile they work on trying to
figure out the source of the bugs and are stuck to a timeline of fixing bugs
that often has a history with OE of becoming hyperbolic to infinity (which
means never).

The timeframe for fixing bugs is very problematic and so is the ability to
get the MS Elephant to move when one kicks it.

I'm not going to rationalize things though, as I very much agree that these
issues need to be more timely addressed than they have been so far.

So for my answer see the start of my reply.



cejohns said:
A lot of people are having this problem... I noticed that the messages that
can't be deleted have no message to be displayed in the preview pain..


I had my 'Deleted Items' folder full of spam I could not delete. The easiest
method is to do the following:

1. Open Windows Mail
2. Select File, Export, Messages, Windows Mail
3. Select a new folder to export messages to
4. Select the folder(s) you wish to export excluding the folder that has the
problem. There is no need to export and default folders you don't need,
5. Shut down Windows Mail
6. Clear out the old Windows mail folder
7. Restart Windows mail
8. Select File Import, Messages and import the messages you exported earlier
9. Move folders out of the Imported mail folder to where you want them.
10. Done


Tom Lake said:
You're the MVP. You tell US! 8^)

I have a message like that too and none of the suggestions
has worked for me thus far.

Tom Lake

I have also had this message and cannot find a solution.


It appears we all have this problem - however, I don't see any solution.
What are we suppose to do?

Frank Saunders, MS-MVP OE/WM

quitebrucie said:
I have also had this message and cannot find a solution.

Did you try marking it as read and then deleting it?
That's what I've been doing and so far it has always worked.

Frank Saunders, MS-MVP OE/WM

Kath Nolan said:
It appears we all have this problem - however, I don't see any solution.
What are we suppose to do?

Have you tried marking the message as read and then deleting it? That's
what I've been doing and so far it has always worked. Other things:

Try repairing the database with WMUtil from

There are two copies of WindowsMail.MSMessageStore, One in
%USERPROFILE%\AppData\Microsoft\Windows Mail
and one in
%USERPROFILE%\AppData\Microsoft\Windows Mail\Backup\New
If you delete both of these the database will be rebuilt. However, while no
messages should be lost, some may be downloaded again and you may lose some
record of which have been read. I recommend that you only do this when they
are causing you trouble, like when they are in the Outbox. Otherwise I now
just mark them as read and ignore them.


As of today I have two messages in my inbox that won't delete and ALL of the
meassages in my deleted file which won't delete. I am not a computer guru
and will have to take it to a technician -- but will s/he be able to fix it?

Frank Saunders, MS-MVP OE/WM

Still Learning said:
As of today I have two messages in my inbox that won't delete and ALL of
meassages in my deleted file which won't delete. I am not a computer guru
and will have to take it to a technician -- but will s/he be able to fix

What have you tried?

Have you tried marking the message as read and then deleting it? That's
what I've been doing and so far it has always worked. Other things:

Try repairing the database with WMUtil from

There are two copies of WindowsMail.MSMessageStore, One in
%USERPROFILE%\AppData\Microsoft\Windows Mail
and one in
%USERPROFILE%\AppData\Microsoft\Windows Mail\Backup\New
If you delete both of these the database will be rebuilt. However, while no
messages should be lost, some may be downloaded again and you may lose some
record of which have been read. I recommend that you only do this when they
are causing you trouble, like when they are in the Outbox. Otherwise I now
just mark them as read and ignore them.

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