your the smartest person alive if you can help me



a large problem is i cant log on to my account when i first start my computer. A few windows pop up that say (A problem is preventing windows from accurately checking the license for this computer Error code:Ox80004005) and (This copy of windows must be activated with microsoft before you can log on, Do you want to activate windows now? yes no) no matter what i pick it wont let me in. after severl attempts it finally let me on. Then a message comes up constently that says (your system is low on virtual memory, windows is increasing the size of your virtual memory paging file, during this process memory request for some applications may be denied.) it has said this on many sign ons, but i use disk clean up and clean my cookies all the time so i dout its that. Any help would be great. thank you

Rick \Nutcase\ Rogers

Hi Chrisckyae,

Problem #1:

Start/run regsvr32 regwizc.dll
Then start/run regsvr32 licdll.dll

If this doesn't help try these steps:

Start the computer in Safe mode by hitting F8 at bootup. Start/run regedit.
Delete the following keys:


Exit the registry editor, restart normally.

Problem #2:

Do you have Intel Application Accelerator installed? If so, you need to
uninstall it and install the latest version. The older ones are incompatible
with WinXP and can cause this error message.

If not, then try this: Go to System properties/advanced/performance
settings/advanced tab/virtual memory change and disable the swap file.
Reboot. Delete all instances of pagefile.sys from all drives should any
exist, then reverse the original steps and reenable the swap file. Reboot
once more to finish. See if this helps.

The smartest people in the world know when to ask questions.

Best of Luck,

Rick Rogers, aka "Nutcase" - Microsoft MVP

Associate Expert - WindowsXP Expert Zone

Windows help -

chrisckyae said:
a large problem is i cant log on to my account when i first start my
computer. A few windows pop up that say (A problem is preventing windows
from accurately checking the license for this computer Error
code:Ox80004005) and (This copy of windows must be activated with microsoft
before you can log on, Do you want to activate windows now? yes no) no
matter what i pick it wont let me in. after severl attempts it finally let
me on. Then a message comes up constently that says (your system is low on
virtual memory, windows is increasing the size of your virtual memory paging
file, during this process memory request for some applications may be
denied.) it has said this on many sign ons, but i use disk clean up and
clean my cookies all the time so i dout its that. Any help would be great.
thank you

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