XP Won't Install on Laptop




I have a Medion Laptop that I am trying to install XP back on to.

However, when boot from CD it loads to the blue XP install screen where you
press return to install. When pressing return the Laptop just resets its

I have no floppy drive on the laptop and have a windows 98 boot disk on CD
if i run fdisk it runs to the first screen you then press return selecting
large HDD support it then goes straight back to the DOS prompt. If i run
fdisk /mbr it says 'No Fixed Disk installed'

Any ideas ???



Your last sentence is the death sentence! " If i run > fdisk /mbr it says 'No
Fixed Disk installed'".

So get into BIOS and do an IDE detection in order to establish the device
type etc.

If the Laptop BIOS can't see your HDD then no way will it be made accessible
to an operating system.

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