Cannot Run FDISK to reinstall XP




I have a Medion laptop and am trying to reinstall XP load to the blue screen
until you have to press return it the rsests the laptop. Have tried to run
FDISK via CD runs disk but when you press enter to select Y it goes back to
the dos prompt.

I reckon some partition software might of changed to MBR but not sure can
anyone help please...



Relax dude, you don't need to fdisk your disk before you re-install XP. If
you want to format your hard drive, just use the format option in the
install. Do be informed though, you WILL NOT be able to format in install if
you transfer the installation files from the XP cd while you are running

Good luck

Edward W. Thompson


I have a Medion laptop and am trying to reinstall XP load to the blue screen
until you have to press return it the rsests the laptop. Have tried to run
FDISK via CD runs disk but when you press enter to select Y it goes back to
the dos prompt.

I reckon some partition software might of changed to MBR but not sure can
anyone help please...

From what you have posted it is really difficult to understand what
you are trying to do. Why are you trying to 'fdisk'?

Just go into the BIOS make CD-ROM the first boot device and then boot
from the WINXP CD. Now just follow the install route and if you want
to format and partition your drive the installation program gives you
that option.

You do not have to fool around with fdisk and if you must use fdisk,
boot from a WIN98SE Dos floppy and run fdisk from there. I can't
think why you would be running fdisk from a CD.


Hi Guys,

Thanks for the replies, The reason i am trying to use FDISK is because
windows XP setup gets to the first setup blue screen where you press return
i press return and then the laptop resets its self.

I have a boot CD with windows 98 boot disk as i don't have a floppy drive in
the laptop i run Fdisk but it gets to the first screen you you hit enter for
'Yes' it then goes back to the dos prompt.

If i type fdisk /mbr it says no fixed disks install, it is as if XP setup
and Fdisk cannot see the Hard Drive.


Edward W. Thompson

I think we are going round in circles here. Lets start at the beginning.
When you boot from the WINXP floppy the first screen that comes up that
requires user input is

.. To setup Windows XP now, press ENTER
.. To repair a Windows XP installatio using Recovery Console, press R
.. To quit setup without instaling Windows XP, press F3

You need to press ENTER not Return.

Forget the Windows 98 CD, that will not help you. Use the WINXP Install CD.
If you want to create partitions and format you can do all this from the
WINXP Installation CD but I think you are not using it correctly by pressing
the wrong key.

Bruce Chambers

Greetings --

FDisk is an old MS-DOS utility that is neither available or needed
in WinXP.

Simply boot from the WinXP installation CD. You'll be offered
the opportunity to delete, create, and format partitions as part of
the installation process. (You may need to re-arrange the order of
boot devices in the PC's BIOS to boot from the CD.)

Bruce Chambers
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