XP repair - please help



Hi All,

My colleague left me his computer before he went for holiday.
He asked me for sorting the computer out whilst he is there.

The computer was infected by lots of viruses/trojans. I managed
to get rid of them. But the start and shutting of the system was
still terrible slow. Nothing was able to help, any antispyware and
even BootVis. Besides, the AVG antivirus program said that some
files were changed, including shell32.dll.
So I decided to reinstall the system - Windows XP Pro SP1.
(I successfully repaired the system on my computer some time ago
so I thought there shouldn't be any problem).
I booted the computer with my Win XP Pro SP1 CD-ROM.
I typed "R" and then I pressed F8 (License Agreement).
It found the existing system:
C:\WINDOWS "Microsoft Windows XP Professional".
I typed "R" again and Windows started to copy files to the hard disk.
The copying took some time when I realised that it'd ask me for the
product key. As my colleague didnt' leave anything I didn't have his key.
I panicked and switched off the computer in the moment when it wrote
that it was about to initiate the configuration (after copying all files
I suppose)

The only thing I can do now is to boot with the Win XP Pro SP1 CD,
press Enter and then the Recovery Console appears.
After choosing 1 (there is only 1 system), I can type the Administrator
password (empty in fact), and then I get the prompt:
I can type dir and see the Windows directory as well as I can type cd ..
and see the main directory.
I suppose that I could use other (maybe all) commands however I can't
be sure. Besides, I'm not familiar with Recovery Console.

Please tell me if it is possible to get back to the system before the
unfortunate reinstall?
If so - how to do it.
If not, can I reinstall the system again using my Windows XP Pro SP1 CD
and my product key?
In such case I'd like to repeat the reinstalling when my colleague is back
using his CD and his product key.

Please help me.


Robert Moir

George said:
Please tell me if it is possible to get back to the system before the
unfortunate reinstall?

By restoring the backup you hopefully took before doing this, or the
backup he hopefully took before leaving his computer in the hands of
someone who really doesn't know how they work too well?
If so - how to do it.
If not, can I reinstall the system again using my Windows XP Pro SP1
CD and my product key?

In such case I'd like to repeat the reinstalling when my colleague is
back using his CD and his product key.

I think it would be wiser for your colleague to give their computer to
someone who knows what they're doing, don't you?


Thanks for your answer.

So I need his Product Key. Unfortunatelly it's not possible to get
the CD with the key on the label now.
I know, it's too late to use a program like keyfinder.
But as far as I know the reinstall didn't demage the registry.
So maybe there is any chance to read the Product Key from it?
I can see the disks using the Knoppix. Is it possible to find the key
using it?

I'd be very grateful if anyone could tell me what to do, not only say that
I made a mistake. I know about it very well.


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