xp opening take too long time



It takes me about one minute from the windows
startingscreen appears till the meny log on screen
apears, I have used several regystry cleaning tools and
clean disk tools with little succes. My wife has the same
computer it only takes 25 sec to open.
I havent usede defrag, would that help??


-----Original Message-----
It takes me about one minute from the windows
startingscreen appears till the meny log on screen
apears, I have used several regystry cleaning tools and
clean disk tools with little succes. My wife has the same
computer it only takes 25 sec to open.
I havent usede defrag, would that help??
Yes.. bet thats the problem. clean your disk first of
unwanted files then goto start.. run.. type
in "cleanmgr.exe" and click OK.. then check the things
you want to clean and click ok again. now make sure your
recycle bin is emptied.. then run defrag.. note it will
most likely take hours to run, so do this as you sleep.
also disable any anti virus you have as it will only keep
restarting defrag due to disk writes.

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