XP....Home edition questions


Xeno Chauvin

1.Sometimes when I turn the machine off Win tells
me "...someone else is still using the machine..."
Since I'm the ONLY one that's been on the machine
what does it mean?
2. How does one find the ver. number of the printer
driver Win is using?
3. Checking the H.P. website they have different drivers
for my printer for Win 95/98 and 2000 but none for XP.
Should I use the drivers for 2000?

Joseph Conway [MSFT]

1. Typically that means that you have fast user switching installed and
another profile was active.

2. For driver versions, open device manager, select the device (in this
case the printer) and choose properties. There is a driver tab which will
give you more detail.

3. If the printer is working, I would leave the driver situation alone.
However, if you need a new driver, and an XP is not available, use the
Windows 2000 driver.

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