Word 2007 not responding

  • Thread starter Thread starter Veronica
  • Start date Start date


Help! Word keeps locking up and gives the mesage "not responding" This worked
fine for 4 months and now suddenly it gives me this message when I want to
ope a saved file or close word. I find this very annoying. This office
program cost way too much money not to work. I have been told it could be
templates, but I am not an IT speacialist, so I need more detailed
information in order to fix the problem.
Thanks to anyone who may be able to help me.
You can test if it is templates by typing in Start Run

winword /a

If word works then it is templates.
Help! Word keeps locking up and gives the mesage "not responding" This worked
fine for 4 months and now suddenly it gives me this message when I want to
ope a saved file or close word. I find this very annoying. This office
program cost way too much money not to work. I have been told it could be
templates, but I am not an IT speacialist, so I need more detailed
information in order to fix the problem.
Thanks to anyone who may be able to help me.

Try telling your problem to the Word pros at:

Veronica said:
Help! Word keeps locking up and gives the mesage "not responding" This
fine for 4 months and now suddenly it gives me this message when I want to
ope a saved file or close word. I find this very annoying. This office
program cost way too much money not to work. I have been told it could be
templates, but I am not an IT speacialist, so I need more detailed
information in order to fix the problem.
Thanks to anyone who may be able to help me.

You /could/ try the group Nonny gave you, but even better would be
Nonny said:
Actually, it's "newusers". Looks like a good one though.

The Office one you mentioned is good, but tends to be very general, whereas
the word one is specific.... :-)
tmaxmill said:
I had the exact same problem. I did as you suggested and sure enough,
it worked. Do I have to Start Run winword /a from now on?

Do you really think anyone is still monitoring this thread after a
freaking year?
Typing winword /a starts Word without addins so in earlier versions of word
one goes to Tools - Templates and Addins and disables addins one by one.

It can also be caused by a corrupt normal.dot. Delete normal.dot and a new
one will be created.