WMP10 won't launch



First time this happened to me was when I d/l WMP10 as a beta product.
Install it ok but then when I dbl-click a (supported) file nothing
happens... literally!
No splash screen, no HDD activity. No wmplayer.exe in task manager
(applications or processes).
Anyways... no idea how I got around it last time.

But it's back!
I couldn't open a file (mpeg) WMP said that it couldn't open the file.
I toddled off to MS and d/l a codec package.
Now the same thing happens! dbl-click and nothing. This happens if I
dbl-click a file or try to launch wmplayer.exe
I have AV'd and spywared (both updated today) and both come back empty
I've tried Windows Update too.
XP Pro SP2

Any ideas?


Do you have any other media player installed ?
Check that all media files are associated with WMP10.

Syed Umair Hashmi
National University (FAST)
Karachi, Pakistan


syed umair hashmi said:
Do you have any other media player installed ?
Check that all media files are associated with WMP10.

Winamp and Real.
WMV, MPEG, AVI all associated with WMP.
All displaying the WMP icon.
As I said, nothing happens if I try to open wmplayer.exe rather than
clicking a media.



I think a bad installation may cause this kind of problem. Try re-installing
WMP10 with a new setup, If you downloaded the setup clear your cache before
downloading again.


but even in beta why is this happening ?

A bad installation, or some other problem can cause this kind of issues ?


I tried and it said (something like) "WMP 10 is already installed and no
further action is necessary).
I removed, and then added, via add/remove and the situation remains.

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