WMM2AE.DLL Fail to Register ??


Mark Barnes


When Installing MovieMaker 2 I have a message saying
I assume these have something to do with the Title
editing in Moviemaker as everything else in moviemaker
works fine.

I am running Windows XP SP1 with all patches installed
and Mediaplayer 9 installed.

I have tried to manually register the DLL's without

If you have a FIX please let me know.

PapaJohn \(MVP\)

Hi Mark,

Try a fresh download and install, after rebooting your computer to be sure
none of the files are still open.... compare the files to the list of 5 DLLs
on the Setup > Software page of my website - for size and date.

Maybe one of the DLLs is corrupt for some reason? Best to download the
package first to your local drive and then run the install.

Movie Maker 2 - www.papajohn.org
Photo Story 2 - www.photostory.papajohn.org


John Kelly

Hello Mark,

Just a couple of thoughts at the moment.

1) Do you have the full installation of DirectX Version 9.0b installed (Not
the one you get by auto installing over the net)
2) When the windows installer tries to over write a file, it will fail if
windows believes that the file to be over written is still in use.

The Files

WMM2AE.DLL is for auto editing
WMM2FXA.DLL is for Movie Maker FX
WMM3FXb.DLL is also for Movie Maker FX

To install these files in the registry itself ...

Click Start > RUN and enter the word Command and press enter.
In the black box that appears type c:\Windows\system32
At the new prompt type RegSvr32 "c:\program files\Movie Maker\name of the
dll to install"
Take note of the quote marks, they are needed because you are working in a
suedo DOS environment and the directies have spaces which would otherwise
be misinterpreted.
You will know whether you have succeeded or not by the confirmation message
you get

I hope that helps, if not please let us know.

John M

I am having the same problem as Mark and upon trying John
Kelly's suggestion recieved an error message
saying "DllRegisterServer in c:\program files\Movie
Maker\WMM2AE.DLL failed. Return code was 0x80040154". Any

John Kelly

Hi there,

Yep, either the registry is screwed up (doutfull) or the actual file is in
some way corrupt. When you register a DLL that is capable of being
registers (There's the hint) a conversation takes place. If that
conversation fails then so does the registration. To prove whether or not
it is this that is causing you problems get the file from someone who is
not having trouble and replace yours. It would be a very good idea to
reboot and run NO software prior to doing this. It is also a very good idea
to create a restore point.

Best Wishes.....John Kelly
All material gained from other sources is duly acknowledged. No Value is
obtained by publishing in any format other peoples work

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