movie maker 2 Error 1904. Module



When trying to add titles to my movie, they appear as just
a grey screen. Even the preview of the title in the right
hand pane is only grey, none of the text I have typed
appears. What may have caused this is on the install I had
3 errors. All errors were the same, only the filename
changed. Basically a DLL failed to register. The 3 files
mentioned were WMM2AE.dll, WMM2FXA.dll and WMMsFXB.dll.
The exact error was :
Error 1904. Module C:\Program Files\Movie Maker\WMM2AE.dll
failed to register. HRESULT. Contact your support
I have tried everything. I don't want to reinstall windows
xp because its a network computer "who know what it will
cause". I looked at web site but no luck.
Could anyone help me please.

John Kelly


Reboot your computer first and then click STAR > RUN and type the word

In the black dialog box type REGSVR32 "c:\program files\movie

Repeat this for each of the files that failed to register.

The above makes the assumption that the default file path exists. You will
have to change it if you have not used the default paths when installing.

If you have trouble let me know.

Best Wishes.....John Kelly
All material gained from other sources is duly acknowledged. No Value is
obtained by publishing in any format other peoples work


when i did that, this is what i received back:

DllRegisterServer in c:\program files\movie
maker\wmm2ae.dll failed.
Return code was: 0x80040154

and after this i get the prompt again.

John Kelly

Hello there,

Well after a bit of a run around I think I have found your answer. It seems
because of loads of messages from other people that the program
regsvr32.exe is actually the cause!!! You must update your regsvr32 file.
Follow this link...

It gives an explanation which compared to some of the other stuff I found
is a bit sparse and would not have jumped up on its own as being the
solution.....but, give it a try and then re-install your DLL's

Good Luck

Best Wishes.....John Kelly
All material gained from other sources is duly acknowledged. No Value is
obtained by publishing in any format other peoples work

John Kelly

Hi Again,

I forgot to add this bit...fortunately it was still on my clipboard...I
deleted the search...anyway, this is where I got the link from its a
message by someone in a forum "somewhere" I have none of his details now.
After some research I found that my XP installation
has a older release of regsvr32.exe. I am guessing it
could have been replaced by some older istallation. I
am also guessing VMWARE is using regsvr32.exe to
register DLL's intead of using the API's regsvr32 is
using for DLL registration.

I would check the following.

1. REGSVR32.exe - on XP SP 1 should be Version
5.1.2600, Size 9728 Bytes.
2. On you current installation if you type on the
command prompt regsvr32.exe /? , then a pop should be
displayed to indicate incorrect parameter. if this
does not happen, the event viewer in the system logs
will show this error.

Best Wishes.....John Kelly
All material gained from other sources is duly acknowledged. No Value is
obtained by publishing in any format other peoples work


Thanks it worked, it gave me no errors.

After i did that to all 3 files, i went to use the movie
maker. When i was trying to add titles to my movie, they
still appear as just a grey screen. Even the preview of
the title in the right hand pane is only grey, none of the
text I have typed appears.

Any idea why that is?


the one i downloaded from your link this link
)is 29.2 KB
the one in my directory c:\windows\system32\ is 9.5 kb

if i try using this (regsvr32.exe /?) on the 9.5 kb one
(my original)it gives me an error of invalid flag or some

if i try it on the 29.2 kb from your link it gives me
nothing. goes back to prompt.

after i register all the .dll should it give me any
confirmation that it did it or some sort of indication
that it was successful?

John Kelly


I understood that the microsoft link gave you the current version of
Regsvr32.exe (you download the file regsvr32a.exe which I expected to be a
self extractor file containing the actual regsevr32.exe and a text file) I
will go quickly and take a look myself.

Best Wishes.....John Kelly
All material gained from other sources is duly acknowledged. No Value is
obtained by publishing in any format other peoples work

John Kelly

Hello again,

Yes as I thought it is a self extracting file. I dropped it into my Temp
directory and ran it. After running it you gain two extra files 1)
Regsvr32.exe and a textfile detailing how to use it called REGSV32A.TXT

Having taken a look at the txt file I am a little perplexed at the date
which is January 1997. That does not seem right at all. I know that XP is
simply a re-branded NT OS and therefore Regsvr32 from NT 4 days would still
be good, I'm just a bit surprised by it.

If you read the text file you will see where the regsvr32 file should
normally be Windows Explorer, navigate to the location
on your machine find your existing regsvr32 file and right click it...then
write down the version number (the whole thing) Then go to the newly
extracted regsvr32.exe and right click that. Compare the version numbers.
In the event that the one just downloaded is a higher version and buil
number (the last part of the version number) then copy it over the top of
your old one...leave alone if the recently downloaded is younger or the
SAME...don't copy it across.

I have to go out shortly. Our Bar-B-Que did its job yesterday and then died
on us, and as we are having another tonight I need to go buy one!!!

I will check back later to see how you have got on, I have to say that I am
no longer confident that we have found your solution. I can tell you how to
manually edit the Registry entries...its actually very easy, but because of
that it is also very easy to screw the entire computer I think we
will leave that option alone for the time being.

Best Wishes.....John Kelly
All material gained from other sources is duly acknowledged. No Value is
obtained by publishing in any format other peoples work


ok the one I already had is newer version which is

That would mean I am back to the beginning :(

Why is this happening to me? I have a top of the line
computer here from Dell with windows XP Professional. I
did a lot of searching around for the last few days but i
came up with nothing. You are my only hope. It seems like
if i reinstall windows xp will solve my problem, but my
computer is networked to a server meaning too much trouble
reinstalling it. I also did all the patches, i downloaded
the latest directx the latest MDAC, but nothing.

I don't know where to go from here.
-----Original Message-----
Hello again,

Yes as I thought it is a self extracting file. I dropped it into my Temp
directory and ran it. After running it you gain two extra files 1)
Regsvr32.exe and a textfile detailing how to use it called REGSV32A.TXT

Having taken a look at the txt file I am a little perplexed at the date
which is January 1997. That does not seem right at all. I know that XP is
simply a re-branded NT OS and therefore Regsvr32 from NT 4 days would still
be good, I'm just a bit surprised by it.

If you read the text file you will see where the regsvr32 file should
normally be Windows Explorer, navigate to the location
on your machine find your existing regsvr32 file and right click it...then
write down the version number (the whole thing) Then go to the newly
extracted regsvr32.exe and right click that. Compare the version numbers.
In the event that the one just downloaded is a higher version and buil
number (the last part of the version number) then copy it over the top of
your old one...leave alone if the recently downloaded is younger or the
SAME...don't copy it across.

I have to go out shortly. Our Bar-B-Que did its job yesterday and then died
on us, and as we are having another tonight I need to go buy one!!!

I will check back later to see how you have got on, I have to say that I am
no longer confident that we have found your
solution. I can tell you how to

John Kelly

Hi there,

I'm glad I suggested checking out the version numbers first.

If you like I can check out my Registry file to try and determine what you
"might" need to do.

It is possible for us to actually share the relevant registry entries. I
could send you an e-mail with the information from mine so that you can by
hand override the installer and force the entries to exist. It can be a
complex job, but if you are game I will see what we can come up with. It
would also be a must that we backed up your registry file first, that's no
big deal though. I would have to read-up on the finer points of doing it,
it has been some time since I last restored an NT workstation by doing

As I said before, the registry if messed about can bring your entire
machine to a stop, So, if you are not sure about doing it I will not be
offended if you say no.

Anyway, let me know.

Best Wishes.....John Kelly
All material gained from other sources is duly acknowledged. No Value is
obtained by publishing in any format other peoples work

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