WinXP PRO w/SP2 applied Strange Error for Unknown reasons



I received the following error, but not sure why. I have check for updates
turned on, but not to automatically download or install the updates.

'' is not found.
Please repeat after confirming whether you input the correct name.
Please click it to search a file [a start] after clicking a button [a search].

Any assistance in trying to figure out what this means would be appreciative.

BTW: The file listed above is not found anywhere on any of my disks.

Yves Leclerc

It looks like you may have been caught with spywares on your system.


AD Aware SE
Spybot: Search and Destroy 1.3

Microsoft AntiSpyware Beta 1

and then

Winsockxpfix.exe (to rebuild the TCP/IP stack).


Highly unlikely.

AD Aware SE & Spybot turned up nothing.

I know for a fact that I don't have any cool search tools on my system and
you WON'T get me to install MS AntiSpyware Beta even if/when it's officially

I have ZoneAlarm PRO set to very high security settings with Privacy and
only specified sites allowable.

I have Frisk Software's F-Prot installed.

And I have various other unnecessary processes UPnP, etc. blocked and/or
turned off. Infact, winlogon.exe is not useable which I think might have
something to do with it..

What is Winsockxpfix.exe and why do I need to run it? I don't have any
connectivity TCP/UDP related problems at all.

Why do you suspect Spy/Malware?

The site registering the error is Microsoft and I presume it has something
to do with the Autoupdate feature.

Any other guesses?


Yves Leclerc said:
It looks like you may have been caught with spywares on your system.


AD Aware SE
Spybot: Search and Destroy 1.3

Microsoft AntiSpyware Beta 1

and then

Winsockxpfix.exe (to rebuild the TCP/IP stack).

Walter said:
I received the following error, but not sure why. I have check for updates
turned on, but not to automatically download or install the updates.

is not found.
Please repeat after confirming whether you input the correct name.
Please click it to search a file [a start] after clicking a button [a

Any assistance in trying to figure out what this means would be

BTW: The file listed above is not found anywhere on any of my disks.


Thanks for the link... it gave me a little bit more insight into the situation.

I looked around a little bit more and found out that the error in concern
was because Microsoft was trying to do something my NetScape wouldn't allow.
And that error was trying to signify to me that I should upgrade to the
latest NS Beta v8. to see if it might rectify the problem. Except that there
is no Japanese NS Beta 8 out yet.

It's only happened once to date, so I'll leave it for now.


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