winxp network win 98 drops



Alright well heres my problem.

I have one windows xp machine and one windows 98 machine.
When the 98 machine is running web-browsing and light stuff
like that, it work great. But lets says I'm transfering a
500mb file from the xp machine to the 98 machine, the 98
machine will drop connection and has to be rebooted to get
a connection running again.

Same with if the 98 machine is playing Diablo II. If the XP
machine isn't playing Diablo II the 98 machine will work
alot longer and not drop, but it will drop. When the 98 and
XP machines are both playing diablo II, the 98 will drop
connection much quicker.

I need to know what could have caused this problem,
Re-installing the MS home network didn;t work. This problem
started from day one. Which tell me that it isn't a service
pack error.

Could anyone help me?

Much thanks in advance.

Fred Marshall


You've told us there's a web connection but you haven't told us how the
machines and the web are interconnected and what other boxes may be in the
configuration. Knowing these things would help in envisioning the situation
and help point to where the problem is....



The Xp machine has 2 network cards, One is connected to the
the cable modem, one is connected to the 98 machine. So it
would be - Modem sends connection to XP, XP sends
connection to 98.

Fred Marshall

OK - so now it would be good to know what you mean by "drop" exactly.
Does the computer lose the ability to ping sites on the internet? to the
other computer?

All of the situations you've described say it's only the 98 machine that
gets disconnnected.
Suspect the TCP/IP installation - uninstall/reinstall.
Suspect the NIC in the 98 machine.


Fred Marshall

And ... suspect the NIC driver.

Fred Marshall said:
OK - so now it would be good to know what you mean by "drop" exactly.
Does the computer lose the ability to ping sites on the internet? to the
other computer?

All of the situations you've described say it's only the 98 machine that
gets disconnnected.
Suspect the TCP/IP installation - uninstall/reinstall.
Suspect the NIC in the 98 machine.


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