WinXP Hanging on Startup AFTER Microsoft Sound with no Icons.....



I have recently taken my PC off my domain to add to another server. I was
able to get it off the domain just fine, but now I reboot, it gets all the
way to the local login screen, and I even hear the Microsoft Startup Sound,
but then nothing else happens. It sits on the desktop without finishing the
boot cycle. I can do CTRL+ALT+DEL and get to the Task Manager, but this is
all. I can't even go to a Command Prompt by File>New Task, etc. I get an
error stating that 'this file is not associated with any known program', or
something close to this.

I actually left it sitting on this screen overnight thinking it would
eventually finish the boot sequence. To my dismay, it has been almost 20
hours now, and still it sits on the desktop, with no icons and only the mouse

What can I do besides totally reloading WinXP? HELP!!!!


OH, yes... this happens in all Safe Modes as well (CMD Prompt, and w and w/o

I have moved my profile folder to a different location, and the only
existing profile available now is the local Administrator. I can't get into
Windows to even create another user at this point....



I have also tried to use System Restore about 10 times dating as far back as
10-01-05. NONE OF THEM HAVE WORKED!! I get a message stating that 'Your PC
cannot be restored to a previous state', or whatever the specific error is....


Correction - I can get into Safe Mode Command Prompt, but I don't what to do
when I get there!!!

typical computer geek

perhaps it is trying to connect to the previous domain

have you removed the old domain name from the comp...

go into safe mode and change the domain name of the machine. then create a
new profile under the new domain name. then try to connect and see waht


I can't even get into Safe Mode to make changes ..... as one of my
'afterthought' posts above said, it happens into Safe Mode as well.....

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