Windows XP--need help!!



My computer just crashed and HP had to send me the
recovery disks in the mail, which i only
problem is that i cant install any of my games that i had
before....i first got this computer in february 2003 and i
was able to load all my games that i had with my previous
computer that had windows 95. it would come up with a
wizrd that would make it compatible with my new computer.
now that i have isntalled the recovery disks it no longer
lets me install those says it needs a Windows
XP disk and its not compatible....
could it be becuz these recovery disks are a revised
version of Windows XP then what i originally had before my
computer crashed?
can i no longer install any of my games that are from
Windows 95 and use them in my new computer with Windows
XP? does that mean i am gonna have to go out and buy all
new games? can someone please help me??? thanks :)

Chris H.

Donna, it may be as simple as not being in the proper account status. You
should be in an account with Administrator permissions (not THE
Administrator account). If you're in a Limited account, it won't allow you
to install. You can check your account in Control Panel/User Accounts. If
that is proper, I'd contact HP support to see what they've done.


Chris, I am the computer administrator (i checked). it
still wont let me install it. i did the run, brose and
clicked on the compatibility tab and checked the box for
windows 95 and it still won't work. this is so
frustrating! anything else i can do? thanks :) Donna

Chris H.

Okay, first, I would create another account for yourself with Admin rights
and use that instead of "the" account. The Administrator account should
only be used as a fall-back position on Windows XP in case your own account
becomes corrupt.

I would check in Control Panel/Administrative Tools/Services, and make sure
Cryptographic Services is running. Whatever the setting is, make sure it is
started and runs when you boot.

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