Windows XP crashes at Dial up ISP conection



My windows XP crashes very often, allways while the modem( internal) is trying to dial up to my ISP for internet access.
Right on, when the modem is opening the conection and the ring start to sound, usually, the computer freeze, but also sometimes at that moment , the computer restarts by itself.
Does anybody knows whats going on? How to fix it?
Thank you, i trully appreciate your help

Marc Reynolds [MSFT]

Have you checked for the Blaster virus?

For more information and how to fix this please see these links:


Marc Reynolds
Microsoft Technical Support

This posting is provided "AS IS" with no warranties, and confers no rights.

Sean said:
My windows XP crashes very often, allways while the modem( internal) is
trying to dial up to my ISP for internet access.
Right on, when the modem is opening the conection and the ring start to
sound, usually, the computer freeze, but also sometimes at that moment ,
the computer restarts by itself.

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